
This is amazing. The judge holds attorney in criminal contempt to force him to reveal what the attorney asserts is privileged information. Immediately the judge faces pushback on the law on this, calls for a 5 minute recess to “think about it”, and has now been off the bench for 40 minutes.
Over at the Young Thug trial, Brian Steel discovered that Judge Glanville and ADA Adrian Love met in his chambers with a witness ex parte to get him to change his mind from pleading the 5th. Judge Glanville has threatened to jail the attorney if he does not reveal how he found out.
LIVE: Young Thug YSL RICO Trial — GA v. Jeffery Williams et al — Day Young Thug’s attorney Brian Steel argued with Judge Ural Glanville about addressing him inappropriately on several occasions in front of the jury. The argume...
For lay people, an ex parte meeting is between the Court (the judge) and only one of the parties without the other party present. With some exceptions, they are generally a big no no for obvious reasons. So this judge and the prosecutor met with a witness alone to try and convince them to testify.
When defense counsel found out about this and objected, the judge then ordered defense counsel to tell him who informed defense counsel of the meeting. When defense counsel (rightly in my opinion) refused on ethical grounds, the judge held him in contempt of court and ordered him jailed until he did
I have been threatened with contempt before for refusing to divulge information, but generally the court backs off the moment a lawyer says “Your honor, I cannot answer that without breaching privilege so…I mean…let me call home and tell them I won’t be there for dinner I guess?”
It’s better when you watch two other attorneys jump up and say “Your honor, you can’t just order him jailed, you have to recuse yourself for and give him a due process hearing before another judge before he’s jailed, here’s the case law, also you’re wrong and this should be civil contempt at most.”
And also, what the actual fuck. You had an ex parte meeting without me, hid that you had it and are now trying to strong arm me to give up who told me you were breaking judicial ethics, the constitution of state of georgia and all rational common sense. Respectfully, GFY. Respectfully.
Took a transcript of it and just refused to give a copy. Is it all in Cyrillic?
Those clips are fucking BATSHIT and also goddamn, defense lawyers are badasses
Yowzah! I got a feeling this judge may be entering into a world of increased scrutiny... and questions about if this may not have been the first time they conspired with the prosecution.
Not just /this/ defense attorney, but several other defense attorneys from other trials in front of this judge, are suddenly scrambling to file disclosure motions based on today's events. The Devil's going down to Georgia indeed.
“I had an oracle from Apollo that told me it happened your Honor, now moving on to remedies…”
“A figure from Stone Mountain came to me in a dream and whispered about the meeting.“ Does it matter who told the lawyer that the judge and prosecutors were conspiring to violate their client’s constitutional rights…or?
Thank you. I saw a skeet about this but it was so poorly written I couldn't understand WTF had happened.
I am not a lawyer, but this part right here seems like where things got extra fucked up
Holy fucking shitballs
I cannot imagine how frantically his law clerks are searching Westlaw and Lexis for some precedent from 1882 or something that supports the judge’s position.
Well he gave himself a deadline of friday to deal with this so...
Would be very funny if the judge just never came back :)
I’m honestly wondering if that’s the game plan at this point
Judge: I have suddenly been called away on an urgent legal matter in the hinterlands of Alaska. Wait, that's not far enough. Antarctica! Antarctica, that will do.
Helicopter noises from behind the courthouse.
Judge: No, you see, it's totally fine because .... Hey, everyone, look behind you! Isaac Chotiner is here to interview you!
It because of all the AI crap that google is flooded with its making it harder for him to find the search result for did I just fsck myself.
I mean a judge shouldn't be googling this shit, there's a whole the JIS for that.
sometimes the sociopath makes commentary on society by combining things that don;t belong together.
Has anyone checked to see if someone has climbed out the window of the judge’s office, perhaps in a disguise, and fled down the street?
20 days in jail to be served over the next 10 weekends ... oh that judge has fuuuuuucked up
Very MAGA move. Blame the messenger and ignore the message.
To be fair, he's also gone well over time on all the other recesses today, but 45 minutes is beginning to seem suspicious.
So, uh... Doesn't that pretty clearly just get thrown out as a mistrial?
Haha holy fuck this is bonkers.
Judge and prosecution in-cahoots with having an ex parte meeting should get the case tossed no problem should a conviction occur. As it is a mistrial is exactly what should be declared, and both the judge and prosecutor be bought up on ethics charges in front of the bar.
holy hell. things are getting wild in GA tonight.