La Conquête du Panini

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La Conquête du Panini

*tinker, tinker*
*echoes to infinity*
If you ever want to do a more casual episode, just hanging out with 5-4 and doing cross promotion would be fun, for me at least.
I seem to have skipped the part where I express my pleasure at this new episode of *yours*.
Oh sorry didn't see alt text 1st time.
The most compelling characterization I've heard is from Robert Evans, who said (para) "He wasn't best understood as a Republican or Democrat, but rather simply as "a mass shooter." A grim take you won't hear because no one in MSM is really connected to culture, and it's too depressing.
I rewatched last year, and feel like it was too early/not long/not brutal enough, so yes yes yes.
We've had longer news cycles on things that *didn't* happen.
Gee too bad sticker-making is a rare art like alchemy. Also: unfortunately this won't do what it needs to. GoDaddy dude shot elephants and I still kept finding good-meaning ppl using it. Maybe the combo of musicians+social media will have more impact.
The thing is... If you're kind-hearted and a vocal trump supporter... Welp.. kindly supporting intolerance of individuals existence and dignity isn't really a thing, so it unfortunately redounds to your honesty, comprehension, or judgement over who is fully human, so.
Can someone famous please ask for only reply/quote notifications?
Can't get over that Trump was apparently at least a partial character basis for Biff.
That's also super relevant. Some podcast I listened to had an EP about how well the NYT is doing, and they chalk it up to them laying low for a while as others scrambled, and then introducing a bunch of tech co influenced strategies. I think they may have said "we're a tech company."
That kinda cultural shift bleeds across barriers if not managed. And I mean, it's not like they didn't suck before too.
Interesting to think of it as a sorta nihilism of positionality. "My job is to be inteligencia and figure out how to tolerate the inevitable suffering around me, not affect it."
I'm starting to see mainstream media as a sorta profession of courtiers, so I think their internal definition of their "job" is fairly unrelated to both my conception and the history of the profession.
Support all the indies: - - - - - In my perpetually naive optimism, I see the future of media as worker-owned, worker-led, with coalitions and collaboration.
That's why this sucks from the jump, it addresses a strawman argument. Basically nobody has asserted that trump is structurally leading the project. The shitty sourcing and lack of analysis are just cherries on top.
Not very seld-aware it'd seem.
McMaster-Carr signs their texts, just like a proper grandpa company should.
That'd be an absolute knife in the image of the party. Image.
omg I never noticed, and now I'm thinking it's a weird choice.. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I find it funny that there's also the business "Stanley Steamer."
But seriously, I'm miffed that Crass didn't make it in.
So say that? They're not rank and file. Which is a pretty useless word itself.
And agreeing to the rules and setup. e.g. Biden opted for being on the right of the stage vs having the last word, and the lack of any fact-checking And if he did have a cold, why the hell wasn't he basically carted around in a bubble for two weeks prior.
Everyone's disappointed by squad/Biden solidarity. My guess, I guess? - They read the room and know he won't leave - They figure if he wins, they borrowed a card to play - If he loses everything is fucked anyway
Or they're just fake sellouts whatever