Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)

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Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)


Freelance Writer, Academic, anti fascism, authoritarianism,modern propaganda, weaponized unreality whisperer on the dystopia beat. iwwfju member
It’s so funny how people who obviously have no idea how American politics or laws work and do not live n the use think they get to speak to actual Americans who vote about our own laws and social systems. A story in three parts.
France’s win against fascism is driving some of the deep cover far right accounts to out themselves as fascists. It is amazing both because it shows they have lost control and because they are putting themselves and showing the deep infiltration of left and liberal circles using floating signifiers
The far right cope machine is already trying to manufacture a narrative about the massive loss the French fascists faced today. They are scared they can sense what’s coming to America and it’s not fascism. Popular fronts win and scare fascists. Keep them on the back foot they are weak and scared.
this might be the best picture yet to come out of France. Inject the fascist tears into my veins.
Thousands in the streets of Paris celebrating and cheering “no pasaran” or "They will not pass” as the far right falls out n France’s election. Just absolutely amazing scenes tonight across France as they fight the fascists back. Now it’s our time to be brave and come together to for a united front.
The New York times literally running the 14 words in a piece on the print edition main page. “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is a mainstreamed version of the 14 words. TNYT is back to its Nazi defense
Been digging through my at home stacks of books and documents and finally dug out this first edition gem again. Some of these early histories of what was going on during the war are so illuminating and we need to preserve them. This text transformed my view of the Nazi project and its larger goals.
Ken Klip going full Glenn “the far right are my friends” Greenwald
I think it’s important in the current moment we find ourselves in with the media playing a massive part in trying to undermine things in a crucial moment for democracy in a coordinated way for people to understand that many of us on the academic side have been trying to warn you for literally years.
I really don’t think most people realize just how hard the boot will come down if Trump and the Republicans win the election. Most people have never experienced the totalitarian surveillance state with the power to reach into their homes and minds at will they are telling us is their plan.
The #ResistLiberals sure are getting defensive now that there window to power is being closed because the person they venerate is unable or unwilling to rise to the moment we find ourselves in. The resist libs are nothing more than blue Maga. Democracy isn’t devotion to a single leader.
No the media is totally non partisan and not trying to help the republicans push their narratives of hate and division. Just out in the open and wild. Weaponized unreality is a hell of a drug when loosed on a population by media and outside parties hostile to social order.
If you are in Nashville heads up. Patriot Front is on the move. Approximately - 75-100 Wearing - Khakis, Blue Shirts, White Hoods with Tan Baseball Caps, Sunglasses Carrying shields and flags
This is an unacceptable answer to the threat we face. American democracy deserves an actual fighter for democracy to go into this fight. If the democrats win we need a president with the stomach for what must be done to ensure these forces never have the ability to do it again.
so it appears that it is the time in the fascist coup for reactionaries and fascists to turn up their use of explicit threats of death for those who oppose them. Elon is telling people they should be dead for opposing fascist white power legislation. Networked violence starts a lot like this.
Heritage and Trump are now backpedaling so fast they are not going to be able to do their normal spin. Trump is project 2025 and project 2025 and the heritage foundation are Trump. Sure appears to be open coordination between the Trump campaign and Heritage.
Trump is trying to get ahead of the reality that he and the heritage foundation are working to destroy America and institute a fascist dictatorship. He is lying and expecting the media to gaslight America for him.
The Heritage foundation is a terrorist organization engaged in a coup against the United States.
Happy 4th we have to beat these people and figure out the rest later. We cannot fuck this up they are telling you they are a dictatorship. nothing less.
Rupar and others are turning the far rights hypersitional claims of inevitability into a dangerous reality on Twitter. it’s really hard to watch the liberals do this specific thing because of its danger to all of us as well as our ability to fight against the fascism we face in a timely manner.
Here it comes. The next part of the ongoing and accelerating coup. if the democrats try to replace Biden the republicans will not allow that person to appear on the ballots. We are in a coup this is not politics.
I really wish people listened to those of us who have spent years studying and writing about the far right and the coup they have been planning for decades. Because now they are just straight up telling you their plans because they are so emboldened by the fascist captured courts.
Interestingly, enough angles last post on Substack was about Karl Schmidt. Karl Schmidt a Nazi jurist who gloated that you can dismantle a democracy right in front of a liberal's face piece by piece and all they'll do is convene breakout sessions and committee meetings til the boots are in the halls
2 years ago and being borne out everyday. I hate it.
Hey so…we are in the middle of a far right coup and the far right is telling you they are going to continue and if we try to stop them they will resort to open violence.This is cartoonish and people need to push these fascist now. Not tomorrow not next week we need massive protests and direct action
All of the institutional safeties that democrats clung to instead of actually doing the hard, scary work of protecting democracy have collapsed and are now handing the republicans and Trump a clear field for the take over of the country. No one is coming to save us but ourselves.
It’s funny because you literally are calling people racist when you tried to primary Obama because you hated a black man was going to win and not hill dog. Stop lying blue Maga you got busted being a racist and a liar.
She’s not doing well. She’s admitting she tried to primary Obama
Periodic reminder that fascism feeds on fear, despair, doubt, uncertainty and apathy. We can win but we must act, the only way out is through.
Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.