
Trump is trying to get ahead of the reality that he and the heritage foundation are working to destroy America and institute a fascist dictatorship. He is lying and expecting the media to gaslight America for him.
Like, aren't a bunch of the people who wrote Project 2025 Trump's former and expected cabinet picks?
And yet, the media is going to completely take this at face value and declare Project 2025 to be a "liberal conspiracy" now, aren't they? 😐
I agree with the person I saw this morning saying this is the campaign telling the Project 2025 people to shut up and not wreck his chances to win by being the fools they are.
if they lose this election it is because they simply could not hold off gloating for a few months about all the terrible shit they're going to do
One of the things that we all have to be thankful for is reactionary and fascists cannot stop themselves and if they believe they’ve won, they will always end zone dance too early if we vote and actually do what needs to be done here we will win. They are weaker now than ever.
the confidence they all have in being openly fascist has honestly been breathtaking, but they're also unfortunately not wrong in that confidence
Equivalent to 'I will respect stare decisis.'
*Trump's people. Again. This is not him. I'm not sure he's capable of making his own posts anymore.
I straight up do not believe that trump knows what abysmal means.
That post is waaaay too coherent
Like, remember when Xwitter used to tag posts as posted from an iOS or android phone and you could tell his staff had one and he had the other?
If it was him there would be at least one inappropriate capitalization and some block caps.
To be fair, the media's been doing a great job of that already.
In a real democracy, someone would be asking Trump which parts he finds abysmal and which parts he agrees with. Instead he gets to slide by on vague half-denouncements like this.
No In a real democracy Trump would be in a hole as would his lieutenants and those in the heritage foundation would be swinging for treason. Liberals think we can just denounce our way out of this. We cannot they must be destroyed physically now. Reprimands won’t work.
Many, many harsh realizations over the last several years about just how effective the corruption of our politics has been. Overwhelming if I dwell too long on it.
Does not know them, disagrees with them, but also wishes them luck in anything they do. But their whole mission is to use his potential future presidency to reshape the US😂
getting a lot of questions about my t shirt already answered by the shirt
“I have only ever prayed one prayer, and it was thus: «Lord, let my enemies showboat & gloat before they cross the finish line»”
It’s usually a good bet with fascists and reactionaries it’s in their brain
Yeah, t***p relies on the media to do his bidding and they're all-in.
Nah, I’m willing to believe he doesn’t have a clue about Project 2025 because he doesn’t pay attention to anything that isn’t explicitly about him. That won’t stop him from implementing it when he gets elected because everyone in his orbit absolutely DOES support it.
as far as I can tell, project 2025 exists as a plan cause the people behind it believe trump is dumb enough to not pay attention to what they’re doing so they can just maneuver him to do whatever they want. not that he’d *actually* be against any of it, he’s just not leading it
heritage foundation has been waiting for just the right dumb hateful asshole to be popular enough that they can do this, it’s no wonder they love him
His ex staff are key members of the project he’s lying nothing else.
idk if he was ever really aware of what his staff was up to. they’ve always been the one with actual plans, he doesn’t plan he’s just a hateful idiot imo
it’s all splitting hairs, he’s still the worst and the potential downfall of our democracy either way, I just instinctively reject any view of trump that makes him seem competent lol
Trump will agree with anyone who butters him up even a little bit. It makes him a perfect candidate for the ghouls who actually hold the reins of power.
He gave a speech in 2022 to the Heritage Foundation where he specifically praised the guy who would shortly spearhead Project 2025 and said that they had been "working closely" on "very exciting stuff". I'm sure he hasn't sat down and read it because he doesn't do that but he knows what it is
“I know nothing” seems honest and the phrasing is spot on.
Some of the things are “abysmal”, but he wishes them luck all the same huh
...his friggin' avatar, though.
This paragraph is complete fucking nonsense.
And it's working, as the Associated Press today briefly ran the headline "Trump Disavows Project 2025" before changing to the tamer, but also blatantly false "Trump Says He Has No Knowledge Of Project 2025."
Trump 2.0 and Project 25 are truly a chilling prospect.
Also ‘everything they do I wish them luck’. But their abysmal. The man can’t say a single thing straight. Everything is wishy washy
He probably has issues with the "ban porn" section
- I know nothing about them. - I disagree with the things they're saying, so I know about them. - Anyway, I wish them luck, in spite of the supposedly ridiculous and abysmal things I disagree with. He just flat out refuses to think even for the briefest of moments before opening his stupid mouth.
LOL he knows nothing abut it but he agrees with some and disagrees with some. Also, don’t think he knows the word abysmal but it sure does apply to him.
The MSM is doing a bang-up job on that front.
Of course he's lying. His lips are moving, aren't they?
yeah Rump, you may not, but the folks behind it who are riding you like Seabiscuit and interested in more than the vanity and easy money angles that you're into, do. Being the face of fascism for a lot of very dangerous individuals is what he's doing.
Is the President of The Heritage Foundation going to threaten Trump with violence the way he has done to the rest of us that oppose Project 2025?