
The far right cope machine is already trying to manufacture a narrative about the massive loss the French fascists faced today. They are scared they can sense what’s coming to America and it’s not fascism. Popular fronts win and scare fascists. Keep them on the back foot they are weak and scared.
That they see it as a "coup" when people vote against them says so much.
If something called "End Wokeness" doesn't like it, it's got to be the tits.
"But.... but.... they used an entirely normal electoral mechanism! Against us!"
Collusion is when politicians build coalitions around shared interests
lol oh no France did a politics
The conspiratorial language is pure projection. If colluding is publicly agreeing to a plan which leads to third place round 1 finishers dropping out and saying why, then everything’s a conspiracy… oh.
They are unworldly toddlers who can't run their own house let alone how France works. Wait till they hear how Dems ceded Utah's 2022 Senate race to give Evan McMullin a better chance to defeat Mike Lee. Didn't work but good try. "It's rigged! A coup!" is much easier than "no one likes us."
"colluded" Where do we sign up to get some of that collusion in the US?
We seem to be getting the opposite of what Brexit was
Oh noooo! People who knew they wouldn’t win dropped out to help another party they more closely align with Meanwhile, RFK still hanging in there, but they good with that
At this point, isn't RFK siphoning more from Trump than Biden?
"Fascists hate this! One weird trick to keep fascists from winning elections!"
Almost like parliamentary government confuses them...
They just cannot accept that their fascistic ideology is simply not popular with anyone that has even a single functioning braincell. I'm looking forward to their meltdown when Republicans suffer similar losses here in the United States. They'll need a good supply of copium to deal with that.
And I hope when Biden wins a second term, we can collectively grow a pair and start throwing some of these right-wing Nazi criminals in jail where they belong. Why has Roger Stone been walking free since 1974?
They don't even PRETEND like they care about democracy anymore, huh?
“Not shitting your pants over neo-nazis losing is too woke” is some kinds of a hot take
"colluded" or you know, politics.
Arrêtez le vol! Arrêtez le vol! 🤭
So Trump and the GOP are going to call it a "coup" every time they don't win? Is that how it's going to be every election from here on out?
Oh look, fascist tears! Delicious, salty fascist tears!
"colluded with the far left". When you have no idea how politics outside the US works.
I wouldn’t be worried if I were them. Dems see the rising far right and think the best action is to kneecap the president.
Ah yes an account trying to do some despair porn. Biden’s too old he should stop down if he doesn’t I will still vote Democrat. I’m not voting for a candidate at this point. I’m voting to give us time and space away from fascism to fully dismantle their ability to exist in society.
If that is the climate. Why even worry about Biden stepping down or not? Yes. There has to be better options. But at this point, sort that out after November. Focusing on Biden is lost time.
It’s a two-party system that’s the reality you exist in not some fantasy not some alternate reality you wish was real. The reality is you vote for the Democrats Or you don’t vote Democrat and capitulate with fascists it’s that simple I’m not arguing this anymore with you.
I agree with this. I’m saying punt all the Biden stepping down talk into the sun until we have secured the election.
He should step down. He should have the day he authorized a genocide in Gaza
Fully this. This is the only sane option at this point.
This is excellent. The “coup” of getting more votes than your opposition. It would be hilarious if so many gullible people didn’t take these morons seriously…
So he admits being a far right dick is ineffective
The famously popular coup tactic of ceding power to others to serve what you feel is the greater good.
The thing fascists do best is lie... lies are the source of all their beliefs and the reasons for their actions. Lies exist not for any reason other than for justifying their way of life and ideology. Lies are a tool. They don't care about truth and facts. Just justification for their awfulness.
This is almost delicious enough to get me to log back into the bad site just to point and laugh at them. Almost.
Reminds me of of certain Bernie Bros who insist there was some kind of conspiracy around the 2020 Democratic primary. Dropping out to support a stronger candidate you're (mostly) aligned with is normal politics!
“Well the coup just paid off.” Ah yes, that masterful coup strategy of getting more people to vote for you than the other guys.
Au contraire, mon ami - it looks like France *was* saved.
what exactly was this asshole thinking france needed saving FROM? If not La pen?
TBF, it's a pretty good description of what appears to have happened. The conclusion, however, is just the Le Pen crew jerking off as usual.
From your mouth, er keyboard….
Me to End Wokeness Guy: Awww. Wanna cookie? (Condescending head pat)
Cheating in elections by dropping out...
Reminds me of of certain Bernie Bros who insist there was some kind of conspiracy around the 2020 Democratic primary. Dropping out to support a stronger candidate you're (mostly) aligned with is normal politics!
I mmean, if you lot are that lucky, and it all works out that way, I get the idea your far right will try to stage a coup again. I mean, it's not like they got punished for it the first time.