(the) Um-Aktualoid

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(the) Um-Aktualoid


Cool guy, hater, yes-ander

My top 5 fears: wild animals, failure, women, global annihilation, the dark if I’m feeling antsy

By reading my posts you agree not to be mad at me
I think he’s doing a good enough job with the devolution and deconstruction of the British state, but he’s no Liz Truss. If Truss was still in charge you would have already seen reunification along with Wales and Mann already seceding.
Gooning on Goon while you and the other goons offload knock-off goods for da boss
A few months ago I having a walk through a suburb in a downward deindustrialised town and saw someone had made a wind chime out of goon bags in their front yard
I’m a big fan of the “coward’s they” Usually if I’m using “this person” it’s either to create distance (less personal than a pronoun or a name) or it’s used before criticising someone so I can totally get why people would perceive an added layer of hostility around it.
You have to be careful saying stuff like this, like the FBI says, “we only need to be lucky once, you need to be lucky every time.”
Oh that reminds me, I need to get a new glasses prescription
The problem with Facebook is that it has all the deranged people necessary for the kind of vicious dragging of twitter but it’s all people too old or servile to do anything with it + their big focuses are nonsense stuff like trans sports or using a magic spell will stop Facebook stealing their data
Pride month is over and like a corporate sponsor she’s over that women-loving-women junk
So you’re saying that The Lord of the G-Strings: The Femaleship of the String passes the Bechdel test?
It really buries my blankets that there is no fan art of Tetsuya Yamagami
I would never give the Imperial Japanese Army a pass, why would I give one to the Japanese Island holdouts of American politics?
The trick is to talk about him in ways that consider him un-Jewish or missing the mark (people won’t do this as they see his Jewishness by birth as a moral flaw) I mean I would say that his policy project puts him in violation of several mitzvot which are grounds for capital punishment in Jewish law
A LOT of folks in my mentions now listing animals and monsters asking me if they're OK to compare to a Jewish person and for the love of god y'all. Making fun of our faces and bodies is classic antisemitism. This man has done enough specific evil surely you can find other ways to criticize him?
I’ve seen that episode of Futurama
I don’t know about girl bussy, but maybe it’s like g’bussy, you know, Australian bussy
Woke COVID has ruined going out again. First it came for spit-in-my-mouth Saturdays now it’s going after Speed-Racer Sundays
Daniel have you been searching your name? Judaism is an essential part of being Jewish, I’m sorry but part of cohering a society means having narrative & cultural ideas to facilitate it. You claim to be an anthropologist but you don’t even know day one nationalism or the sociology of state building
I was wondering why he was so Wolfenstein-coded
Haha Lo Lo comrade forgive me. I’m drinking during shiva and it was not a wise idea. It’s always good to hear from the kehila on Bluesky especially about comrades like Nancy and Sluggo
נאנסי ביסט א ארבעטער סלוגו ביסט א ארבעטער ✊✊
I’m allowed to say it, it’s my big special day
If Kamala Harris could beat Trump I’d vote for that dizzy bitch shit
Typos are the best way to win, I don’t disagree with that. That said, you’ll have to block. I’m too inspired by the spirit of mutuality to do it.
Yeah I get it, you wanted to be edgy and immature but I didn’t care, and then you got mad after I forwarded an explanation because you were too keen to be epic online
Wait I got that wrong at the end, but you get it