
The reason people don’t just say the NYT sucks but have a connection to how much they suck is because they’re not just wrong, they could say “this is a difficult decision but one I agree with”, it’s that their op-eds are like “smart people put whiny baby back in crib” and it’s them lying about WMDs
eat shit, pam
Like say what you want about people who fuck up at every given opportunity but someone like Andy Dick isn’t going out there telling people he’s the only adult in the room the next time an ethical conflict arises. That’s what you are NYT op-ed room, you’re Andy Dick.
It’s nice that I don’t have to make the Jamelle Bouie exemption in these posts shitting on the horrible ass New York Times anymore because we all know and we all know Jamelle agrees with it.
If I somehow magically became wealthy enough to purchase the New York Times the first thing I would do is fire every op-ed columnist other than Jamelle Bouie.
I wouldn’t just fire them, I’d frog-march them out of the office Mao style, wearing dunce caps with placards around their necks with their worst takes.
If I somehow magically became wealthy I’d pay off mortgages and car payments for people struggling. I’d shelter as many as I could too.
the first tragedy of the hollowing out of media is def all the people who lost their jobs, but 2nd is all the great people who have to work for outlets that clearly don't deserve them
There really does need to be an exception for him, because he sees everything and then replies, and he really is one of the great ones there.
not if you’re a human trafficking victim
I think it's time to pivot to "why is he still there" tbh