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He/him. Here for the low-anxiety alternative to Twitter.

Horror, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy. And, grudgingly, a bit of freaking out about American politics.
Describing Biden as “the lesser of two evils” willfully disregards how much greater the other evil is this time around.
Reposted byAvatar SithOfAvignon
This is so good.
New: I did not support Kamala Harris in the 2020 primary. But that won't keep me from backing her in Biden's place this November. Here I make the case for candidate Harris:
Dystopian fiction wasn’t an instruction manual.
Reposted byAvatar SithOfAvignon
If I weren’t already exhausted, I’d be tired.
The Unbearable Lightness of Forever Re-Litigating Every Democratic Primary From 1980 Onward
no we are stuck in an endless loop of both the 2016 and 2020 primaries because people who were voting for the first time in 2012 are starting to wake up with pains they can’t explain and are desperate to RETVRN
Hey, y’all—assuming we GET another election after this one, what say we maybe just once try nominating someone who ISN’T just the lesser of two evils? I only bring it up because a lot of today’s horror could’ve been avoided if we’d, you know, picked better candidates in any election this century.
This is just the foreplay.
I really need someone to tell me we are not absolutely fucked. Because it sure feels like it.
End of feed.