
no we are stuck in an endless loop of both the 2016 and 2020 primaries because people who were voting for the first time in 2012 are starting to wake up with pains they can’t explain and are desperate to RETVRN
We’re going to be relitigating the 2020 primary until we all die aren’t we
I know folks who are still relitigating 2004, so, yep.
Isn't a bunch of this discourse that we're still relitigating 1980, 1984, and 1968? (the latter of which some people have pointed out parallels the "suddenly our candidate disappears at the last minute" proposals)
Having been around in person for the arguments of the 80s, I think there has been a massive shift both in tone and base positions since then. Climate change vs. cold war nukes alone is a huge change in terms of timescale of most prominent existential threat as well as attitude to same.
I started volunteering on campaigns in the late 70s when I was 11, and wrote my first speech for a hearing at 15. Things have shifted radically since then. Some of that is the pace of communication allowed by social media. Some is much deeper radicalization.
Some comes from balkanization and siloing of news sources. Some is what feels like a serious shortening of political memory. One big change is the loss of personal collective memory of WWII.
Relitigating the primaries, especially since 2016, has become like really bad IBS, keeps happening over and over, who knows what the fuck triggered it and oh my fucking god. Excruciating
We can’t finish until we’re done with 2016.
Gotta be optimistic, it won't be all of us, at least one person will outlast the rest.
Fuck your Eternal AOL September, let's game out Hilary Clinton's chances in the primaries until we all voluntarily chew on a gun barrel out of sheer spite
new theory of discourse: fund one good mattress for everyone (not one advertised by a podcast), see if the discourse evens out a little over the following weeks
I’ve said before Millennials are having a midlife crisis and handling it poorly on balance. Best example i can think of is the Onion guy saying tiktok is some kind of youth vanguard or something
Wait I voted for the first time in 2008 and I’m not getting those yet, seems like a skill issue.
Baby. (I voted for the first time in 2002. I am also not getting those.)
2008 was very weird, because the popular vote winner decided to not fight the DNC saying they were not the popular vote winner, and instead joined with the person the superdelegates backed instead. i.e. could have been a complete shitshow, but instead was a moment of working together.
and it's only June, sir 😭
And July 11 is going to shake up this race in a totally unprecedented way
This is the worst Shroedinger's Primary ever. Is it 2016? Is it 2020? Can you shoot me instead of the box? I'm not sure I want to know.
My first vote was in 2012, am just happy I got to experience a non-Trump ballot before shit hit the fan
Man if you are waking up with an inexplicable stabbing pain in your shoulder blade at 33 I don’t know what tell you except be careful shampooing your hair or walking down the street when you’re 50
Also sorry you don’t get to vote for your first choice in the primary in the general. Happens all the time but in the end you are voting for a world view and not a single person, as a Supreme Court packed with Republican picks despite Presidential electoral failure shows us again and again
My first vote in a primary was for John McCain in 2000 and was I disappointed? Yeah! In retrospect would he been better than Dubya? Debatable!
I figured after 2005 and Katrina, people would figure out that it matters that a competent POTUS who knows how to name a good person to head FEMA would matter, but then there was 2016 and the next thing you knew, paper towels were being thrown at survivors of Maria.
Ignore the poor grammar -- thinking about Arabian Horsey FEMA Dude makes my brain malfunction still.
Imagine a boot filled with sinecures stomping on a human face - forever
Is coalition progressive politics useless, or do I just need a glass of water
This is exactly what Trump and his maga party have been plotting from the get go. It will be more of the same sad loop when Trump loses again. It’s just a waste of resources for America. Do governments not govern anymore? Just play reality show.
Again, I’m a normie left-center. Voted for Bernie and Warren (and Clinton/Biden). Neither was winning the general.
This country is entirely grievance based. We never let anything go. It’s our entire personality. Which is perhaps to be expected from a country born from a tantrum over a tax on tea.