Michigander Jedi

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Michigander Jedi


Be Kind Rewind
There’s this place near where I work called the The Victorian Bakery. Their peanut butter cookies are amazing. Bought 4, gave 1 to a coworker, I plan on taking 2 home. How many cookies did I eat? Tune in at 3pm to find out.
big fan of deleting skeets only to post the exact same thing seconds later but with one word edited/removed/added
At least that part of his anatomy isn’t used much, sooo… not much loss.
I give you very affectionate Cass, my daughter’s daughter.
Vacation isn’t complete yet. Mrs Jedi pulled out the crowler cooler. That’s 32oz’s of beer in a can. The beer: Grapefruit, wheat ale called Boats and Hoes.
I wish people could just admit that they're scared rather than projecting their anxiety out onto external situations or pretend their fear is really some superior intelligence and ideological purity over others.
4hr drive coming up today because I’m from the Midwest.
Just encountered a cyber truck in the wild, at an intersection. I pointed and laughed with a gaping maw as is required of all decent citizens
I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
Rainy porch afternoon dance party.
It’s 8:30 am on a Monday I’m not at work, coffee on the porch, and I just figured out when my neighbor mo a his lawn.
Yup, some jobs hold no margin for error...
I do not want to go for a brisk walk. Ergo, I really need to go for a brisk walk.
Fairly certain that the air show is still going on? 🤣
The Target store entry smells like a urinal cake, TBH it seems appropriate.
Reliving my young years, sonically, this evening.
I’ll have to remember when I perform hydrology experiments in the yard, that it will refuse to rain any discernible amount for WAY TOO LONG. #WaitAndSee #RainRainComeThisWay
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
People at work were talk about the Cybertruck yesterday. Saw one on my walk last night and LOL at it. The universe is cruel.
if you took every billionaire on earth and stacked them on top of each other starting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that would be great
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
I have to turn my sound off or people think there a baseball card in my spokes….
Scrolling to find my birth year is getting out of hand.
I'm voting for the guy least likely to put me, my family and friends in ovens
I’ve learned when to stop a conversation that is going in a direction I don’t agree with. Mostly.
@janel131.bsky.social FYI: Your handle is the immediate reason for a follow. That and you liked my pic. I expect great things. ✌️