Charlie Whisky

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Charlie Whisky

I write, draw, code, coach
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
a kamala harris/taylor swift ticket would win approximately 100 states. new states would join the union as swifties toppled their governments
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
(Trump is shot by AR-15) Republicans: Let’s wear fake ear bandages to show how much we love Trump. (countless schoolchildren are shot and killed by AR-15s) Republicans: Let’s wear AR-15 pins to show how much we love AR-15s.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
I think all these grifting fascist fuckers need to be deprived of oxygen. I said what I said.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
Reconstruct Texas
Texas’ GOP calls for an amendment to ensure Republicans always win statewide elections by requiring candidates to win a majority of counties. Texas has 254 counties. Half its population lives in just 7 of them. Trump won 232 of counties, but the 22 counties Biden won contain 58% of Texas residents
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
I honestly feel like I could go viral at any moment. Except this one. Wait, and this one too. Okay now.
let's lean into the appearance of bias for awhile
It’s fascinating how to avoid the appearance of bias, the special counsels appointed to investigate Trump had to be Republicans. And to avoid the appearance of bias, the special counsels appointed to investigate Biden . . . also had to be Republicans.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
Or the original lady with the grapefruit: Google was helpful with finding the video described, but let me know if it fails you.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
Me: wow, these new underwear are super soft and comfortable. My butt: that sounds absolutely delicious! Let me get a taste.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
holy shit you don’t like the thing a lot of people like?? fuck that’s so cool you’re such a badass
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
You are an artist regardless of skill. You are an artist regardless of skill. You are an artist regardless of skill. You are an artist regardless of skill. You are an artist regardless of skill. You are an artist regardless of skill. You are an artist regardless of skill.
Reposted byAvatar Charlie Whisky
hey we need more people to follow here, BLUE. if you're a writer/editor/zine/etc. in the SFFH genre pls reply with an emoji and we'll follow you. BONUS POINTS for using super obscure emojis. (pls repost if you want to help us spread the word OR if you have a skeleton inside you thx)
End of feed.