
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
This is the only good thing anybody has said so far
they wouldn't be doing all this sweaty shit if they thought the people were actually with them. it's a desparate attempt to overrule the will of the people and it does not, must not, work
And yet, Trump said they have the right people in place to overturn the election. Pretty sure the Supreme Court will side with them. The election might not actually matter the way Trump has brazenly said I don’t need your vote.
Look, if you want to lie down in front of a freight train I don't know that I can stop you, but I will not be treating you like you're in your right mind Get up off the tracks, do what you can, and stop being a fucking accomplice in stripping your own rights, it's pathetic
“Who is currently the Commander in Chief?” a question that is lost by Doomers
He’s not one to take advantage of the situation.
A good man who who doesn't realize the peril we are in.
It's fucking tiring hearing how many of my rights and liberties are being taken away from me and everyone else I know every single fucking day. What the fuck am I gonna do? This country is fucked either way, what am I gonna do about that?
Is your choice going to be to surrender to fucking fascists? Would you mistake what that was if it were me getting out of their way?
What else can I fucking do? One random ass person compared to a whole group of people dedicating every fiber of their being to making my life a living hell?
I dunno what you're *gonna* do about it but what *I* think you should do is show up at the local Biden campaign office and ask how you can help. Or find a swing House district and do the same. Because fuck nihilism, get involved.
It's not fucked if people get up and fight. No, electing Biden is not going to fix things, it's just going to position things better for the actual fight, which is up to the people, not the elected officials. I keep pointing to the unions but there are lots of other vectors too.
Not going to tell people to put their faith in courts right now, but as the GOP found out last cycle overturning an election result is really hard. If that's their gambit, then you make them try it and suffer the consequnces.
Yeah the AG might come out and mumble at them again
They really don't, though, unless we get into some kind of Bush v. Gore situation where the election truly does come down to a few hundred votes in one state. The electoral certification process in the swing states is almost entirely run by Democrats.
Guess what's been getting quietly engineered under everybody's noses this whole time
You need to enlighten me. I understand what's happening in Georgia with its election laws, but I'm not really counting Georgia as a needed swing state. This will all come down to Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Just take a look at the disinformation narratives and lawsuits in contested states
I heard someone say that biden's bad showing made them think they would win the presidency... What they don't understand is, it's made us SUPER PANICKED. I will be driving around my neighborhood putting people in the car and forcibly taking them to the polls. (sarcasm.... mostly)
Only thing keeping me going is knowing the fuckers have a tendency to overplay their hands and get fucking got.
Their dream of establishing American apartheid just because much more attainable.
Last gasp of a dying generation
Truly. This actually made me feel hopeful.
Biden can now have trump killed