
Galaxy brain moves afoot “In recent days, some company leaders and Democratic political operatives have called the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, according to someone with knowledge of the calls, to gauge his interest in replacing Mr. Biden”
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Some of the president’s past supporters want a new candidate, but they are leery of going public.
They scented weakness and went for the undemocratic coup. Filth
The utter ridiculousness of thinking that Jamie Dimon wants to be president and have to do actual work all day.
But also that Jamie Dimon would be willing to risk losing to Donald Trump and having all his assets seized by the feds and being sent to Federal prison as a result.
… Fuck, I gotta recalibrate my “this is fucked up” meter, because this is 100% plausible.
In Dimon's case, having been in charge of one of the largest banks in the world for decades, you can pretty much guarantee he's at least implicated in multiple federal crimes, so it wouldn't even require a lot of pretenses.
True, but I also think Dimon is conniving enough to spot this risk from a mile away, so it’s simply not going to happen.
No chance in hell does he want to gamble like that. He already has more power than pretty much any civilian not named Musk, and he gets to keep it no matter who wins.
The best case scenario if he even gets the nomination (lol) is that he loses and Trump uses JP Morgan Chase as a personal piggybank. Worst case is dying in Gitmo.
Exactly. I'm not one to overrate Dimon's insight, but he spent the 4 years Trump was in office being careful not to get on his bad-side. He's not going to do anything different now for the sake of a smaller office with a worse view and more work.
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Quiety...With Encouragement from DNC Operatives
Quietly...with headlines in the New York Times
Have you heard about the new trend "Quiet Shrieking?"
I've been doing it my whole life!! Thinking about getting some loud shrieks in there too
And almost every word of that story is from unnamed sources. I'm getting awfully tired of the supposed newspaper of record bolstering stories written to stir the pot for clicks with anonymous sources.
They just want to save themselves, the rest of us can fend for ourselves.
That's been the idea all along, that's why these fucks have been circulating corrosive disinfo and hoarding resources this whole time
the NYT concerned op eds as the national guard stand over 150 dead students on the Mall with gunsmoke in the air will be what brings the nation together
1/3rd the country would cheer, 1/3rd would shake their heads
He's an ego wrapped in a molecule thick layer of human skin
omg it's time, national unity government, a Trump-loving super rich guy on the Democratic ticket, it cannot fail