
love me a single source anonymous story about a conversation that may or may not have happened as described
Is this the same source who told the NYT that Biden confessed he fell asleep during the debate? Or the one that assured them the DOJ found no evidence of Trump colluding with Putin? Or, you know, all the other anonymously sourced lies the Times has promulgated since forever?
The kind of stories that starts with “once upon a time in a kingdom far-far away”, and ends with “happily ever after”. When I was a little kid, I always wondered how that latter part could be possible. In my adolescence, I guessed it had something to do with suicide. Prior, I’d thought of lobotomy🤔
I’m a big kid now. Old even. I know. Prince and princess died in a natural disaster after about a day or a half. ☝️😃 I’d like to update the story books: “Then they got married, and divorce lawyers lived happily ever after.” Need I say I identify a bit with Phoebe in Friends? 😒💅🙄😝
Also: "He's weighing" is definitely not " he said ,if he doesn't convince people then the campaign is doomed". Ummmm. Yeah. Water is wet. That what campaigns are supposed to do This has been done to Macron and Scholz and Habeck and Baerbock . Constantly for the last 2,5yrs.
It is physically impossible to find ONE positive headline about any of these people in the last 2,5 yrs, since the start of the attack on Ukraine. Impossible. Not one.
I assume somewhere he acknowledged reality that they're in a hole after his shitty performance and the press bitcjing endlessly about his age, but however he said it could easily be distorted by a game of telephone
They're NOT in the hole! He said he was tired. It was a setup. He had a blasting rally a day after!
I'm sorry if this isn't the place for this, but why isn't ANYONE talking about the propublica email last night with a fantastic interview with Biden they released in its entirety to offset the debate?;
Not as much fun as fearmongering
I didn't get it, and I'm a subscriber/donor?
oh, yeah, but that's a year ago though.
The article said it's 9 months ago. I don't actually believe he's gone and lost his mind in 9 months. That's kinda disingenuous.
Joe Biden *does not have dementia.* But I live with an 81-year-old mother who does. Aging gets worse in nine months. Nine months ago is not today.
This is just stupid reporting. Every President we have ever had has probably said, "I could just quit that would be so much easier" to one person or another in their lives.
The disinfo attack that's leveraging the debate and existing uncertainty into a whole ass crisis getting exacerbated by a rogue Supreme Court
It’s remarkable, really, how social media has been such a catalyst for information war. If only the literacy skills propagated so effectively. This is where your expertise and perspective is needed, Brooke, along with other disinformation and psychological warfare experts.
Maybe I’m a nutter but I’m appalled at how the American ideal has been overthrown by (gestures all around), though frankly at some level that ideal was part of its own information war, wasn’t it.
Sure was. The first thing this attacked was our stories about who we are and what we mean to one another
You know when I start to think deeply about this stuff, I can begin to appreciate how Hames Jesus Angleton went off the deep end. I am sort of nostalgic for those innocent days when all I knew about this stuff was just “manufacturing consent”
The Heritage-Tanton networks and the global far right
The ones I've been warning about all this time
What’s the proof of that? I don’t disbelieve it offhand, I just need to see concrete evidence.
Heritage coming out last night and saying this is a new American Revolution, plus multiple documented financial ties between people like Harlan Crow and the Supreme Court, plus the public statements made all this time by lawyers involved with Heritage and Tanton. I wrote a lot of articles about it
Biden’s debate performance was bad and newsworthy but it’s basically the only thing the Times wants to write about. It has like two pieces on the French elections, three on the landmark disastrous SCOTUS ruling, and like six or seven still running on Biden’s age
Sure, because that’s the easiest type of journalism to do.
Might not be a malicious attack (though probably is) Let’s just call it a siege of convenience
It's a disinformation attack. You can tell by who is saying what. I identified those nodes long ago, if anyone had been doing anything other than pretending to listen.
This was somewhat tongue in cheek, I’d never challenge you in your area of expertise. I’d love to know what nodes you’ve IDed though
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
I know for a fact that I’ve made some good friends pretty heated recently because I have insisted that they are a mark for these exact kinds of media campaigns and that the factual nature of his cognitive decline is irrelevant to the manner in which information has been disseminated about it.
Now I hear this is not true. It’s getting really ugly out there.
Disinformation attack, that's what I meant
Frankly I'm just going to assume that any anonymous quote about Biden's mental health is fake.
That’s the smartest thing to do.
Which socio-economic class owns all the media & news organizations? #NYT
Sigh, it may just be. It’s like calling the bug man when there’s already 500 cockroaches in the kitchen. They only need time enough to get the picture painted. Once the label sticks they’re done.
What would this look like? I'm feeling very allergic to the idea that we should be talking about this as a disinformation problem at this point, but am curious to see what you mean.
It's not disinformation it's that Biden was always a weak candidate which is why he barely won in 2020.
okay so name the "strong" candidate who will easily beat Trump- I'll save you time, there isn't one, it'll just be another intra-Dem party shitshow choosing a candidate that half the party won't like followed by another close election that Trump is just as likely to win.