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Reposted byAvatar Brunold
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
#Widersetzen: "Einsatz bei Anti- #FckAfD -Protesten in #Essen: Kritik an Polizei wird immer lauter. Nach den Protesten gegen den AfD-Parteitag in Essen wächst die Kritik an der Polizei. Widersetzen spricht von 80 Gewaltvorfällen durch Einsatzkräfte."
Einsatz bei Anti-AfD-Protesten in Essen: Kritik an Polizei wird immer Nach den Protesten gegen den AfD-Parteitag in Essen wächst die Kritik an der Polizei. Ein Bündnis spricht von 80 Gewaltvorfällen durch Einsatzkräfte.
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
Demo am Samstag in Leipzig für #majat. Teilt das und kommt vorbei wenn ihr könnt! #noextradition
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
A Palestinian Lesbian from Gaza need helps covering the costs of resettling after having to flee Israeli apartheid and occupation of Palestine. Her identity is protected by her own request for her own safety and security 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
Help Palestinian Lesbian Resettle, organized by L A Palestinian Lesbian from Gaza in need of mutual aid to cover costs for resettling. They are a … L A needs your support for Help Palestinian Lesbian Resettle
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
In 2022 you could be expected to not get sexually active with people at sight. We live in an age where rich, powerful men could do research on consent before fucking. "It's not sexy yaddayadda" Rich, powerful people have fewer obligations than us. Maybe make this one of those few obligations.
Eat the rich because you're already on their plate.
Wähler*innen von CDU, FDP und AfD sind ihre Mitmenschen und nachfolgende Generationen völlig egal. Muss man leider so deutlich sagen.
Your vote is your bargaining chip.
Boy, do I hate the death penalty.
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
An autistic man was wrongfully convicted 20 yrs ago & put on death row for his kid’s death based on a now discredited theory Hospital staff judged his autistic traits as signs of guilt Read more & Sign here to help stop the Oct 17 execution of Robert Roberson an innocent autistic father #SignalBoost
Stop the Oct. 17 execution of Robert Roberson, an innocent Mr. Roberson would be first person in the U.S. executed based on the discredited shaken baby syndrome hypothesis. Act now.
Upholding fascism is still fascism.
Avatar You're genuinely awesome. I know these conversations are taxing.
Avatar I am a German parent, and a pacifist because I'm useless. My daughter is scared, as are we. We don't live in good times so I think all we can do is make them better. People before us fucked it up, and that's the warning we should take with us.
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
Advice from someone who grew up surrounded by people who think Fox News is too far left: If you find yourself burnt out and overwhelming by feeling like the lone non-right wing voice in a sea of red, research your local area for activist or collective action groups to find like minded people 🧵
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
Rosy pink maple moth, in her natural habitat…
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
We have to help Bex everybody. Bex is in deep medical debt that's preventing them from continuing cancer treatment. Their lights are about to get disconnected. The only thing I can do is push Bex's calls for help, because I give to Bex's fund when it's possible. If you have something, give.
i need a flood of $10s/$20s/$30s to come my way right now. my lights are being disconnected tomorrow. my rent is officially 2 months overdue tomorrow - they're sending a 2nd notice tmrw. please help me to stop both. i am drowning. i am reaching out for help. please 🙏🏽
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
The Vitruvian Man, marked by Bluesky as "adult content", is on every health insurance card in Germany, regardless of age of the insured. Yes, it's because of our heritage fetish but that's a different issue.
I had a lot of fun with the last episode of this season of Doctor Who but it wasn't well-written. I would have preferred more of an emotional journey in the first part.
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
Ramy is a queer Palestinian who escaped Gaza to Egypt with his child and wife, but they are not safe in Egypt either due to the homophobic laws. Ramy and his wife were arrange married, but are friends and co-parents who just want to relocate and rebuild their lives in a place safe for them. 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸🌈🍉
Help a Queer Gazan and His Family to Hi Friends,
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
+++ Breaking: wir haben den Beginn des AfD-Parteitags effektiv VERHINDERT +++ Dieses Foto hat der Spiegel vor 5 Minuten aus dem Inneren der Grugahalle gemacht. #widersetzen wirkt ✊🔥
This is a new world that I don't think I showed you before. It's been played for a couple of days already, and recently I decided to explore the area south to where I started. That screenshot has been taken after I ended that village's draugr reign.
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
It's almost the anniversary of stonewall, the riot that made pride month come to existence and I still have a transmasculine friend who needs money to prevent his entire family and all their livestock from being evicted. #signalboost #HelpSky #MutualAid #MABoost 💸💕
Emergency moving funds, organized by Sara My son is autistic and has elopement tendencies, the landlord has decided that this is not safe for … Sara Myers needs your support for Emergency moving funds
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
Anyway, I can’t share her name or info. But if you wanna help me feel free to venmo me at @hestiah. Anything I get will go toward helping this lady. Cause we don’t have resources to do anything. And I’d rather her NOT DIE next week.
Reposted byAvatar Brunold
Don't skip please help me, I hope I get $35,000 today, there's little left, I hope my friend will help me even with something simple, donate or share the link with people . My mother's account. Donate and share here 🔁🤍.
Some people just need you to know that dry yumyum noodles are disgusting. Whereas dry nuts, dry potatoes, and dry corn are fine. *shrugs*
Democracy gets taken away but it also gets handed over. If an authoritarian candidate threatens your country to set up a candidate who barely has public interest in mind is also a statement on democratic values.
Reposted byAvatar Brunold