
It was a common euphemism for Jews who marched with MLK and others
The official 2024 GOP platform makes a reference to "Christian-hating Communists" who the Republicans will keep from entering the country. Back in the early days of the America First movement, "Christian-hating Communists" would have just been a longer way of saying "Jews."
We can be Communists and money-changers at the same time, cuz we're so insidious.
Jewish Communist International Bankers is literally straight out of Mein Kampf. If you can convince people that bankers want the proletariat to seize the means of production, they'll believe anything.
Yep, the Bolshevik Jew... Old time Nazi antisemitism did blend the two.
"We must band together based on segregation" is, uh...something else.
"Communist money-changers." Hmmm.
They take your valuableUS dollars and convert it to worthless Rubles
These fucking people. “Christian haters” marching with an ordained minister who held two degrees in theology I know Jesus said love your neighbor but it’s hard sometimes
Yup, and the love your enemy even more so. Those folks were, and are, the spiritual and theological descendants of those who created and propagated the slave Bible, i.e. they've not got a good grasp on the actual point of following Jesus.
"oh but you're uh, you're poisoning the well, did you know that's a fallacy?, just because they're using the exact same phrasing and are using ideas which have a directly traceable lineage to reactionary anti-human rhetoric of yesteryear means nothing, I can't hear you, la la la..."
“Just say ‘Jewish’ Jack, this is taking forever”
‘Race traitor’ is fewer letters
I don't think at that time they considered Jews to be the same race as WASPs?
It shocks me how many antisemitic tropes I have learned since Trump and the alt-right have become mainstream. I am wondering how bringing back tropes that have largely fallene out of common usage bringsl egitimacy and a perverse status among these groups.
You heard the Nixon tapes too eh? Same as it ever was.
Jesus christos I hate every part of that shitty little opinion.
A rose by any other name.. The people that killed this dude...
Can anyone explain why this Christian hating communist gave $1.6 billion to Christofascist Leonard Leo? Please make it make sense.
There are questions I really wish I had asked my great-grandmother about that time. The more I search her name, the more I realise how incredibly prominent she was, and how much The Powers That Be tried to silence her. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
#GOPAntiSemitism. Don’t get fooled with their “support” of Israel. It’s all about their Rapture fantasy where they will either convert the Jews or kill them. Same for Muslims btw
Wait, it means something else now? That is a venerable old dog whistle.
Calling them both money changers and communists really is a tell.
Ahhh.... EUPHEMISMS again ...we need a Constitutional Amendment banning euphemisms.... they're just so euphemistic!
was "communist" the catch-all phrase they threw at anyone who worked for change? Just finished reading "Bitter Fruit" abt Guatemala/ now reading "Like a Hurricane" abt AIM, doing a deep dive into New Guinea - in all of them - every non-dominant population who protests is a communist threat!