Caleb Crain

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Caleb Crain

Into birds, Cross Fit, and sometimes writing.

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Literary fiction | Non-fiction | Historical fiction | Autofiction
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“Every $1,300 New York invested in building bike-lanes in 2015 provided benefits equivalent to 1 additional year of life at full health over the lifetime of all city residents, according to a new economic assessment.” Bike-lanes are a sound public health investment.
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There's a lot of disagreement among legal scholars and practitioners about the likelihood of the 11th Circuit reassigning the case. But it's certainly something the special counsel could ask for.
Found the answer to my own question: The NYT quotes a law professor who says Jack Smith could ask the 11th Circuit to reassign the case.
Question: Could the 11th Circuit take the Trump documents case away from Aileen Cannon, or do they have to send it back to her even if they disagree with her dismissal of it?
Dismissal Brings New Scrutiny to Judge With a History of Unorthodox Judge Aileen Cannon’s rulings in the documents case had fueled questions about favoritism and legal acumen even before she threw out the charges that Donald Trump had mishandled classified documents.
Question: Could the 11th Circuit take the Trump documents case away from Aileen Cannon, or do they have to send it back to her even if they disagree with her dismissal of it?
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Takeaway: Vance thinks slashing immigration will raise wages, tariffs will raise lots of revenue but not inflation, and it’ll all be solved by bringing more men into the labor force. Economists say all this is false, but “economists are wrong”.
This from Douthat’s interview with JD Vance is interesting. How much money *would* hiking the marginal rate to 42% raise? Can anyone do the math quickly? Unlike Vance’s preferred option of tariffs, it doesn’t hurt poor people.
Opinion | What J.D. Vance In a long conversation, the first-term senator from Ohio talks about Trump, populism, the 2020 election, Ukraine and the Republican V.P. slot.
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This is a busy week for us so I can’t say anything about timeline, but we are going to prioritize notification filtering. Work has already started
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This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
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Vance in a private message in 2016: "I go back and forth between thinking Trump might be a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he might be America’s Hitler."
Well, no one will be able to say we weren't warned.
But what if I don't want to think about Rome every day?
I mean, dude is a straight up authoritarian.
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George Grosz, Judges, 1954-55
I've been saying for the last few years that George Grosz is the historical artist whose work most captures the vibe of our own contemporary moment, and today I'm doubling down on that assessment (George Grosz, The Painter of the Hole I, 1948)
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October 2020: Trump defends plot to murder Gov. Whitmer January 2021: Trump sends mob to kill his own VP and members of Congress November 2023: Trump cheers attempted assassination of Nancy Pelosi March 2024: Trump posts video depicting abduction of Joe Biden
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Today is the 107th anniversary of the birth of Robert Conquest, a renowned historian who exposed the extent of Stalin’s tyranny, and in his spare time composed many, many silly, filthy limericks
Odd this Ah, it’s the 106th anniversary of the birth of Robert Conquest, renowned historian, author of The Great Terror, one of the first works to expose the extent of Stalin’s tyranny, and the composer of…
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"Perhaps when distant people on other planets pick up some wavelength of ours all they hear is a continuous scream." Iris Murdoch, born on this day in 1919
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Today is Walter Benjamin's birthday, an important reminder that you can be unemployable for most of your life, die while trying to flee fascist persecution, and still become an entire publishing niche decades after your death. There is hope, just not for us.
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On a lighter note, Barrett Brown’s memoir sounds amazing
“Whether this sounds enticing or totally insufferable may hinge on whether you subscribe to”
Holy sh*t! A really nice write-up of ”Overthrow” in the Washington Post this morning. “‘Overthrow’ makes the previous decade’s vanished idealism feel almost close enough to touch. It’s the best American political novel of the 21st century.” — Sophia Nguyen
7 great political books, chosen by Book World Whether you prefer fiction, history or philosophy, these books will help you understand America’s past and present.
Holy sh*t! A really nice write-up of ”Overthrow” in the Washington Post this morning. “‘Overthrow’ makes the previous decade’s vanished idealism feel almost close enough to touch. It’s the best American political novel of the 21st century.” — Sophia Nguyen
7 great political books, chosen by Book World Whether you prefer fiction, history or philosophy, these books will help you understand America’s past and present.
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So…I’m currently writing a book about Black mediamakers and US democracy. I have interviewed many inc. current+former employees of you know where. I’ve done years of research. I just want to say: you have no f-ing idea from the outside the fight these folks are fighting to try to save you chill out
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Holding a black man who writes EXCELLENT and helpful essays about democracy responsible for the acts of a heinous and hateful white woman so powerful at the NYT she was the *BOOKS EDITOR* for like a decade before becoming an opinion writer says everything about you and nothing about him.
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14 years of Tory rule gives us this utterly horrifying graph:
New performance standard for gay marriage just dropped: Schubert four hands
I think the New York Times has some crow to eat.
Biden: "The only thing age does is create a little bit of wisdom if you pay attention." Boasts about telling his staff he's going to start projects in Asia they were initially apprehensive about embarking on.
Biden, on the threat of Trump: "We've never been here before. I've got to finish this job. Because there's so much at stake."
Biden gets vocally angry when he talks about the gun deaths of children.
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I dare Donald Trump to answer foreign policy questions like this.