Max Ewart

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Max Ewart

Union organizer. Baker. Gardener. Socialist.
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Just in general, there are a lot of very brave and principled Jewish people laying their careers, family connections, social status, religious fellowship and more on the line to oppose what’s happening in Israel. Please don’t disrespect that.
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Anti-corporate graffiti spotted in Wynyard, Tasmania
It's always fun to get involved in lefty organizing spaces and watch all of the stereotypes of them come true.
Got a couple of things on my to read list but I am excited to get to this.
God I didn't think I could think less of Nate Silver.
I have the perfect guy Nate
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thats the christian nationalist flag
Breaking News: A second provocative flag linked to Jan. 6 was flown at a home of the Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito.
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this is a confluence of two factors: first, the political desire to showcase solidarity with Israel; second, the U.S. foreign policy establishment has a longstanding issue with the ICC — which we're not a member of — because of worries that American soldiers will get charged with war crimes
What is Blinken's deal? Is he following Biden's lead or is he a true believer?
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Washington DC wildlife: Yellow-crowned night heron swallowing a crayfish this morning in Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens. 🪶 🦞
More of a house plant question but anyone familiar with these things in my aloe plant? They look like eggs. Not seeing them in any other plants. 🌱
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You see the fascism and doublespeak, yes? Is everybody paying attention to exactly how bad this is? Exactly how terrifying this is? Are we all clear about what is at stake in this election, and the work that is upon us now?
UNC trustees voted this morning to reallocate the university's $2.3 million DEI budget to campus police. Budget vice chair: “I think that DEI in a lot of people’s minds is divisiveness, exclusion and indoctrination. We need more unity and togetherness, more dialogue, more diversity of thought.”
UNC-Chapel Hill BOT votes to divert DEI funding, redirecting it to campus public The UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees voted to divert millions of diversity, equity and inclusion funding to public safety and campus law enforcement
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I’m going to go lose my shit completely brb
This is so incredibly sad.
This morning a horse named Caramel was rescued from flooding. The image of him stranded on a roof went viral. As notes, such imagery reminds us of a polar bear floating on a lone iceberg, yet also presents us with a new view of the climate crisis in other contexts.
Refusing to take meaningful steps to curb climate change and propping up a genocide ultimately benefits the same people. Oil barons, weapons manufacturing, other industries with the power to control elected officials. America is obsessed with money and it will ultimately be our downfall.
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This morning a horse named Caramel was rescued from flooding. The image of him stranded on a roof went viral. As notes, such imagery reminds us of a polar bear floating on a lone iceberg, yet also presents us with a new view of the climate crisis in other contexts.
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When Tech Bros and CEOs promise that AI will soon have human-level intelligence while simultaneously touting how many workers it will replace, they are inadvertently admitting that what they really want. They don’t want workers. They want slaves.
In some ways it’s pointless to get caught up in the game of asking what chatgpt can do. It’s often far more relevant to ask what people In positions of power are willing to use it for.
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The met gala going on while Israel destroys Rafah, the last place for Palestinians to escape to… I just can’t even begin to process how disconnected the ruling elite class is while end stage capitalism strangles itself to death on their greed
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Amazing to see this: at UNC, faculty, instructors, and TAs are withholding grades to demand amnesty for arrested and suspended students.
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Do you know about the Black Zine Fair happening on May 11th in Brooklyn? RSVPs are free:
If you had any doubt that all of this is rooted in Islamophobia the white boys at Ole Miss cleared that right up.
JFC, this photo of a pro-Palestinian student protestor at the University of Mississippi with a jeering crowd of white boys in the background
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I don’t think it’s short sighted or immature or destructive to the future of democracy to say “genocide is where I draw the line.” You certainly don’t have to agree. But you do have to accept that some level of genocidal violence is acceptable to you.
This that democracy I keep being told needs to be saved?
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This calls for citywide mass decentralized protests in every borough.
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Police pepper-spray protestors at UT Austin today (photo by Aaron E. Martinez for the Austin American-Statesman)
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And students are receiving the best education about the United States they could have ever hoped for.
These folks brains are breaking trying to justify a pro genocide stance
We have reached the "anti-Israel protesters are paid" by Jews portion of the program.
Oh great, now I'm interested in the lore of Civil War.
Worst feeling in the world when you realize far too late that you should have doubled the recipe.