Rivoluzionario della melanzana

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Rivoluzionario della melanzana


unpopular opinions from an unpopular guy on a yet to be popular platform. gayer + hornier than before. boomers suck. ✊🏾🏳️‍🌈
You need to do leg day so you don't end up looking like an upside down onigiri.
A true honor 🙏🏼❤️
Walking my 4 year old daughter to nursery. We're holding hands. She says 'let's skip daddy'. I look around and the coast is clear. We skip together. Genuinely one of the best moments of my entire life.
No idea how old it is, but remember when integrated GPUs came out not all of them worked standalone and were designed to support a graphics card. That was long time ago though, so no idea what it's like now.
Apart from maybe like on Scilly, I wouldn't swim anywhere on these shores.
I see moderation on here is going swimmingly.
I'm so lucky my bf is a pro at making them. We basically eat them all summer.
I mostly have them chopped in a fruit salad, so avoid the mess generally.
Nectarines are underrated. So refreshing.
Extremely predictable and depressing that Labour enabling Islamophobic discourse in its factional fight with the left is still insufficient for the fascist forces they allied with during the period.
It's really hard to discuss things with people who keep insisting they agree with you. It's like they're terrified of admitting any division or difference at all anywhere so they have to find a way to make me the same person as them.
I just yelled "and he's a faggot now!" at my gf in my best Murray Walker impression
OK I feel deeply unwell today and horribly down, but you made me crack a smile at this.
Ágætis byrjun. A good start. I used to be a sigur rós super fan back in the day. I been thinking about this phrase, cos it feels like in this world unless you have that good start, you will be forever broken.
Nothing ever changes. You keep your chin up. You keep hoping for the next stage in life to be better. But you try, try, try and all you end up doing is frustrated + tired, because unfortunately you are you.
It's impossible. You were sold a lie as a kid + ever since that it could be any other way.
Saying that you did this and it hurt me isn't the same thing as saying that you did this to hurt me.
Similar with saying someone has privileges as opposed to is privileged. Quite often people will take it as the latter immediately, despite saying very carefully the former.
I hate paying for delivery tbf, only do it begrudgingly if I have to. With my lens the seller included the delivery in the price.
Mind you I bought a second hand camera lens from Japan on eBay that arrived in 3days, I do wonder what retailers do sometimes with their delivery systems.
Oh god what's happened with it now? The drama with this thong order lol
This is absolutely depraved. Tears in my eyes. That's about as much as I can bear
"the IDF raided their home '...I wanted to get to him but I couldn’t. No-one could get to him, and he was patting the dog’s head saying, ‘enough my dear enough.’ In the end, he relaxed his hand, and the dog started tearing at him while he was bleeding.'"
Gaza man with Down's syndrome attacked by IDF dog and left to die, mother sayswww.bbc.com Muhammed Bhar's family wants the Israeli military to investigate his death in Gaza City this month.
Beta blockers, SSRIs, most antidepressants make you more prone to sun sensitivity and dehydration. They can also make you more prone to burns as I understand it. Drink yer water, ya strumpets.
It’s so closely attainable but everyone buys into the idea that not having a job is in some way immoral.
I hate that it's the first thing people ask you here - "so what do you do?". I also hate how it's taboo to not love your job, so you have people doing this soul crushing pretence about loving the most mundane + unsatisfying thing ever.
Jack Black has always been an annoying dickhead btw but that was borderline blasphemy to say not that long ago
The future I want is one where work is reserved for people who want to do something. Everything else is automated and everyone is on a universal wage.
I thought I hated working under capitalism but now that I don't I have discovered I really just don't want to work at all.
Peter Thiel, Planatir, Cambridge Analytica, JD Vance, Project 2025, and more - it’s an ecosystem of theft, profiteering, misogyny, racism, transphobia, capture of government, undermining rule of law, genocidal glee, and more. Look these up, learn about them, this is what’s now center stage