
imho “there are nazis on twitter” shouldn’t make you shame ppl for not abandoning twitter it should make you want to have a long hard think about why a lot of Black and Asian people still prefer twitter over bluesky
This is such a funny argument every time it comes up, like there’s some perfect nazi-less utopian website completely scrubbed of racism.
also just bc the racism on here tends toward the liberal kind doesn’t make it any less harmful! people think white liberal spaces are safe for people of color they aren’t lmao
Shhh. You’re wrecking the fantasy. (Yeah, every time they float that shit I want to die.)
since we’re just saying all the stuff i’ll mention voting season really brings it out in people too
This is part of why voting seasons need to be shorter. So we don’t have to do ten fucking months of “enjoy the camps!”
This reform would adversely impact the political campaign consultancy industry; therefore it is impossible to implement this reform in the USA