
imho “there are nazis on twitter” shouldn’t make you shame ppl for not abandoning twitter it should make you want to have a long hard think about why a lot of Black and Asian people still prefer twitter over bluesky
This is such a funny argument every time it comes up, like there’s some perfect nazi-less utopian website completely scrubbed of racism.
also just bc the racism on here tends toward the liberal kind doesn’t make it any less harmful! people think white liberal spaces are safe for people of color they aren’t lmao
Shhh. You’re wrecking the fantasy. (Yeah, every time they float that shit I want to die.)
since we’re just saying all the stuff i’ll mention voting season really brings it out in people too
This is part of why voting seasons need to be shorter. So we don’t have to do ten fucking months of “enjoy the camps!”
Canada’s elections are about six weeks and it’s a major factor in keeping us less insane 👍🏼
Adopting this system would make life much more peaceful I think
i don’t know why we can’t just vote today. im ready!
This reform would adversely impact the political campaign consultancy industry; therefore it is impossible to implement this reform in the USA
I prefer bluesky to Twitter because of the aggressive blocking function. That's it. Getting to nuke a thread before a pile on is fantastic
Yup. Love the blocking. Also a huge fan on seeing people’s posts instead of weird ads. And people try to be entertaining on here instead of posting fake video footage. That’s it.
The vibes gap is so wide that it made it easy to walk away from that place
Yes and I don't like Twitter putting trolls at the top of replies. Bluesky has a better user interface for me, but these folks act like this makes me morally superior! Grrr
There you go spittin' real shit again...
Honest truth: My family, on both sides, left the South (Mississippi and Arkansas) in the 60s for a better life in the PNW. I moved overseas in 2019 for the same reason. People always ask me when I'm coming back and I'm running out of excuses and deflections.
as someone who lived in seattle for 11 years i feel this and i'm glad for you
If being followed around an REI and glared at by employees while you’re trying to look at shoes was a city it would be Seattle.
Some of us have known you’re never coming back 😉
Ha! Any chance you're thinking about heading to Sacramento for the US Open Cup Quarterfinal on July 10? I just booked the flight.
It’s highly unlikely. Midweek games are super tough for me to plan around, and all of my PTO is tied up for the rest of the year. There’s a tiny chance work could send me to the Bay Area then, but nothing I could plan around.
Dammit, adulthood and obligation strike again
I wish I knew how to explain how "having learned the buzzwords doesn't quite equate to empathy". It's a lot of inherent bias that directly confronting just gets a hostile defense response.