
Likely a result of me being terminally online
man the real one with the celebrities looked like 2022 level AI
10 out of 10. AI still can’t nail details in clothing, wood, lettering, human extremities, and almost always still has a plasticky sheen to everything.
9 out 10 for me because Ben Affleck looked like a mannequin! But yes. Everything looks like highly skilled fondant sculptures at a resort hotel bakery. The pile of eyeless babies around the creepy robot soldier was believed on Facebook?
The one I was iffy on was the DC actors pic, mainly because the JPEG was several generations old and the repeated compression was messing up hands and fingers, not to mention the digital sharpening and associated haloing.
Though i dod pretty good, what this revealed to me is that images that are very compressed and blurry are harder to determine (the first one looks like it had messed up hands but it's compression; the last is so blurry you'd have to know it's fake only from the implausible content)
I'm still at 100%, I have strong uncanny valley discomfort.
8/10 The gal Godot one got me, and I thought the 12 angry men one was a double-bluff. A movie where they used a weird optical effect to deliberately distort peoples faces and make the film look eerie and unsettling. Nope, just AI.
9/10 for me; the legs looked wrong to me for the guy being beaten up. Anything that has text in it is easy.
Getting some of them took a while. (I got the first one wrong, too - but that lot don't look like regular people.)
Yeah, the first one I chose AI but it was later revealed that it was very cropped, giving it a really unnatural low-definiton/overly-sharpened look.
I got 100% of them, but there were 2 or 3 that I really wasn’t confident in my answer.
Hey, only missed two! Hehe, gotta get up pretty early to pull the wool over MY eyes. At LEAST 6:00 AM.🤪
I got 9 out of 10. Gal Gadot faked me out.
9/10, the exception being the non-obvious snapshot from theater which had a weird, artificial air to it for different reasons.
I think other responders are missing the point. We knew this would happen. But what's being done to ensure people don't get convicted due to faked images and videos, which will be almost certain to convince jurors in the near future? The answer is: nothing.
The biggest issue for me was the size of the images. I did OK (got 7 right) but it's tough to see some of it
9/10 here...AI at still just has a feel to it? The interior one got me, maybe because so many real estate photos these days are shot with weird perspective and HDR? (The use of real people's faces seems to be expanding tho, which is disconcerting at best.)
I did the same mistake for the exact same reason. And I feel like it was the least important error because I care much more about potential fake news based on (real) people than about fake interiors
Oof 9/10. That last one got me.
I mean, sorta? I still hit 10/10, based on simple things like looking at fingers, text, and signs of nonsense stuff.
10/10. Check hands/fingers, check writing. There are more tricks for actual tougher to tell pictures (weird fractal bleeding, inconsitent light sources.