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Protogen, baker, Utahn, open DMs!

❤️ Vivian (

Signal: Cascade.16
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
If your win10 install is pushing Copilot on you: 1. Run PowerShell as Administrator 2. Paste: Get-AppxPackage *CoPilot* -AllUsers | Remove-AppPackage -AllUsers 3. Press Enter (There will not be any output if it is successfully removed) 4. Reboot Repost to save a life
Just redesigned my site! Besides the new look, it’s upgrades for me on the writing side: - I can write, draft, post from an app - Template/site stuff and actual text/content are in different places now - Got the domain (might make that the main later 😁)
you find yourself in Cascading.Space is the home of Cascade, a protogen who likes experimenting with the web.
I have two extra tips building on this! 1: RSS is waaay more than just webcomics. It’s there for news sites, company blogs, ANYTHING on tumblr, and even YouTube! Tossing out the YT recommendations and just pasting channels into my reader has made my YouTube experience way cleaner! 2: (In reply)
My really popular barebones RSS comic from November 2022! I hope it helps you stay updated with your favourite webcomics, artists and websites. I’m just a simple guy who’s passionate about RSS feeds, comics and staying updated using both. Go forth and make the feed of your dreams! #Art #Comic #RSS
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
DO👏🏻NOT👏🏻DO👏🏻THIS👏🏻. If I am ever interested in getting a commission from you I will reach out! I love genuine conversation but do not slide into my DMs with small chit chat leading up to weaseling in a commission. This is literally the 6th time in 48 hours! I love GENUINE convos. DM me for those.
Brb just redesigning my website again after literally just 2 months lol
Oh noooooooooo and I got out so clean last time too :/
"I'm not going to buy any more mtg cards" -MtG makes Bloomburrow (a furry set)- "I'm not going to..." - It has 's art - "...I'm...."
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
I tossed the goddesses into the furry machine
Something I'm realizing I need to work on: communicating more! The number of chats I have that I'd like to spark up again are... a lot 😅 Feel free to DM me whenever! Bsky, Telegram, Signal, just check my bio for links. I'm great at chatting, just awful at starting them, lol!
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
Something I urge everyone to do is create their own website. Doesn't matter how, whether you pay a host or set up something small (and very limited) for free; it's worth the effort. Social media platforms get the traffic, sure, but that ship is leaky. A website is a lifeboat.
Days since switching web browsers again: 0
Hey babe wake up, new way to tell Adobe to suck an egg just dropped!
Turns out, getting treatment for a mental condition you’ve had for decades is pretty dope, highly recommend
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
The ideal social media is not actually any particular instance, but an up to date contact list. Everything else is details, and every hangout spot will inevitably go rancid.
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
Avatar, animated gif/webm avatars when? 👀
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
When I was in school for visual communication we went to see a speaker that said "You never want to be the cheap version of somebody else" and that has stuck with me through discussions of AI image generators, knock offs, and leaning too hard into my inspirations. Art is about communicating. Be you.
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
It's not harmless. It's not "just an innocent thing" to be fooled by AI. You NEED to be able to discern and differentiate reality. You NEED to know how the world works on a basic level. Because fooling you with baby animals and flowers is just the start of something much worse.
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
hey, im ace, im queer, fucking deal with it
Now that it’s been most of a day, and I’ve cooled off, done some research, and thought it through rationally- I think I overreacted a bit earlier. I’m still not a huge fan of a lot of what Apple is doing, but I get it. And of all the ways it could have been announced.. it could’ve been way worse.
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
Every 7 seconds, the average man thinks about Balatro
Worst part about this #AppleIntelligence crap is that if they just took that part of the presentation and replaced it with "And Siri can actually tell what you're saying now" and called it a day, That would have been a banger of a keynote. So many other great things there! Just ughhhhh
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
they're not speaking once about the integrity aspect and responsibility aspect of incorporating art generators into AI and software. as an artist this makes me just want to cry. Like for some this might not seem like a big deal but like this is Apple they're putting this in every m1 Mac
#Apple whyyyyyy this generative stuff is so gross, especially after that iPad ad... This crap better be opt-in by default at least. Do I have to move my thousands of photos to avoid the scraping? I'm so tired of moving my data around 😤
It’s that time of the year when I dare to go outside and my nose is like
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU
🧵 As a former librarian, I'll add: Rich (& middle class) ppl also close libraries bc they can't conceive of the need, aka a failure of empathy. I was *constantly* asked: 1) People still go to libraries? (yes) 2) Isn't everything digitized now? (wow, no, let's examine just how how wrong that is)
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the KOSA bill affects websites with more than a certain number of users. So… decentralization! Run your own site, or a small masto/bsky instance, and you’re golden, right?
Reposted byAvatar CASCAD3 @ AWU