Diggy Diggy Hole

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Diggy Diggy Hole


look, i've been online since AOHell 3.0 i'm old and i'm tired
perceived by the world as she/her. inwardly i'm more of a none pizza with left beef situation
Stickers are an interesting way to practice non-attachment. I love this sticker, I want to enjoy it for a long time. A vacuum thermos lasts a long time. But nothing lasts forever. Enjoy it while it is. Sticker designed by Paul Granese (you can see his work over on Shelbyville Bsky)
No matter how difficult things are or how much you feel like you fucked up, S. Pumpkin Fluffmurder wants you to know you are a person of worth. And he's still Little Boss so please allow him to do kissyfaces on your forehead
cw bug insect i interrupted a robber fly having supper while i watered the garden. dunno that i ever noticed these guys before. shoutout to my phone for its temperamental cooperation in focusing on a small critter
Hhhmm nyyyyesss fascism is not *aborning* Jeeves, however could you suggest such a thing? The newspaper only this morning printed columns on both candidates, I hardly think that's evidence of such a distasteful thing. Really Jeeves you are an alarmist.
WSJ this morning. lol at the last bit. "Leaders on both sides need to stop describing the stakes of the election in apocalyptic terms. Democracy won't end if one or the other candidate is elected. Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump wins, unless you have little faith in American institutions."
oh how could i forget! in kitchen tools, getting a Chinese cleaver was the best thing ever: inexpensive, carbon steel so it's easier to sharpen, lightweight, easier to grip and work with than a Western/French knife, and doubles as a bench scraper. i love these so much
knipex supremacy. i got tired of wire cutters that never did the job right, they were entirely worth the cost
@rahaeli.bsky.social and @yesthatjill.bsky.social and also anonymous Bsky user: wishlist packages received yesterday, THANK YOU!! The glow of feeling extremely blessed is awesome, I'm going to pass it along however I can. The inspectors are also very pleased lol
I'm hugely amused by the use of postage stamps to make documents "official". Way to show 'em how you reject authority, sovcits. And I really delight in this little pearl of childish magical thinking:
This is what I see when I click through to the article. It refers broadly to "optical storage media including Blu-Ray". If, however, it only is about BD-R then it's sloppy reporting and hopefully won't screw over libraries. If you have a better source drop it here, I'd be glad to know which it is
Here's a better picture of Baby Taco, she's a treasure
that's a great design! I've got to try making one. I have one cat who loves to go out in a harness given by a friend. I altered one of the buckles to be velcro, and now it fits him well. My mama cat likes to walk together outside but since we moved I would prefer using a harness, but she isn't a fan
here's mine! i made this after my old boss, breaking with custom, indexed all his arrays from 1 instead of 0, and i had to chase down all the bugs that caused
This will eternally remain my favourite meme I made
Cats are the best for grounding yourself and focusing on something external. Baby also yells at me when I need to rest and I'm doing a bad job at it
Cats are great for when you're not doing so normal cause you can just really focus in on them like, looking at them, talking to them, talking for them, telling people they are your friends etc
This here's Baby Taco Fluffmurder, being disgusted with the weather this afternoon
this morning i woke up to a gently overflowing 3-gallon bucket. i sucked up the carpet water with a shampoo vacuum but 12 hours later it's just as damp. the floor AC unit cannot keep up with this heat and humidity, i may have to sleep on the floor in the living room. FUCK CLIMATE CHANGE
Mantises love chocolate mint. I was super happy this little friend jumped out of the mint patch when I watered this evening. They really love chocolate mint specifically! Get some mint for your mantis pals
at least there's this, right now
the time to get a ham license was yesterday what's the over/under on widespread internet and cellular outages look at that, it's touch cats' fur o'clock
Yeah all the online resources I've found are a bit janky. I got a copy of this book cheap one time, it's A Pennsylvania German Reader and Grammar, by Earl Haag. It's the most authoritative text I know of. Haag explains the preposition goofiness here
Baby was cross that I wouldn't let her go for a walk while there were feral neighborhood kitties hanging out in the yard. Baby was a feral cat too, she's happy living indoors now but I think she misses the outdoors. I miss our walks together around the neighborhood and garden
I have stoneware clay that's been aging in a bucket for 20 years and no wheel to throw it on
Pumpkin sampling the catnip, to comfort you 💖
Tangent, yesterday I was cutting up a Pink Lady and all the seeds inside had sprouted. It was a pretty good apple despite apparently being in storage a while, the grocery store didn't have any Honeycrisp or I'd've gotten that