Cecilia Tan

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Cecilia Tan


Award-winning sf/f, erotica and romance writer. Just your typical biracial bigender bisexual. All pronouns valid, she/her for society’s convenience. https://linktr.ee/ceciliatan
Oh my. And it looks like we left the area of the fireworks just in time? A few raindrops hit me as we were getting into the subway and a massive thunderstorm is about to hit …!
Instead of fireworks we are having gourmet ice cream 😁
Jeeeeeeez the crowding trying to get anywhere near the Hudson, even far south of 14th Street, is intense. We are going to bail on seeing the NYC fireworks. The police had already closed off most streets to new people by 8pm and I’m paranoid about a stampede. My knee is bad, too.
corwin likes to read math books for fun. The title of this one made me laugh out loud ! (Love Triangle: The Life-Changing Magic of Trigonometry)
Reposted byAvatar Cecilia Tan
intimidating and punishing journalists who expose flagrant state corruption, another classic Jim Crow mechanism
She won a Pulitzer for exposing how the country's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail. "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail.www.nbcnews.com "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
Sigghhhhh. And yet another place that self-publishing erotica authors could sell their wares will be banning us now. Etsy joins the "clean" bandwagon, banning explicit content and sex toys: mashable.com/article...
Etsy to ban sale of most sex toys, explicit content, and moremashable.com Policy changes go into effect next month.
Getting excited! On August 1st I'll begin serializing a saucy, naughty erotic steampunk adventure over on my Patreon. Sign up now to join the weeklong jaunt of The Blossoms of Summer! patreon.com/ceciliatan
I'll be teaching a class on writing s*x scenes, and hosting a passel of talented writers reading their delicious fiction as part of KBtL (K*nk Between the Lines) this Sept! Register now for early bird prices!
Look at this furry little pumpkin
We are having thunder for the fourth day in a row and poor Earl Grey is disliking it. Thunder never used to bother him but now at age 13 he’s decided to hide in the closet whenever he hears it. He was always an anxious cat but this is new. Poor guy. Wouldn’t even stay on my lap.
Dang this July is turning into a busy busy month! Who else is going to Readercon ? My reading will be Thursday night at 8:30 — should I read from the unexpected dragon book? Or the upcoming erotic steampunk book…? Hmmmm…
If you'd like to see an incredible sunrise, go to this live cam from Iceland right now. (or if you're seeing this later, scroll the video back) www.youtube.com/watc...
Hagafell from Grindavík - Live from Iceland - YouTubewww.youtube.com Go to https://livefromiceland.is for more.
Okay. The Chevy Trax ad with Simple Minds as the soundtrack, and the family on vacation in their car, is the "sequel" of sorts to the first time car ads were aimed squarely at Gen X. Do you remember when "Da Da Da" was used for a 1997 Volkswagen ad? www.youtube.com/watc...
Okay New Yorkers, I'm going to be in the city on July 4th for the first time in decades. Where's the best place to see the fireworks? Should we go to the Jersey side...? Or just get anywhere near the river north of 14th St? (When I was a kid it was always in the East River..)
Reposted byAvatar Cecilia Tan
Imagine having one of the best post '16 election pieces and going "Eh." Kaleb Horton's Winter in America (You better believe I'm copying this to a google doc to print out like a 72 year old Boomer.) web.archive.org/web/20221130...
the erasure of 20+ years of news stories here is yet another sign that future generations will have much richer knowledge of the 1930s than they will the GW Bush and Obama years. The wayback machine is carrying a lot of weight these days. If that goes, adios: variety.com/2024/digital...
MTV News Website Goes Dark, Archives Pulled Offlinevariety.com The website of the already-defunct MTV News has been fully pulled offline.
"It’s A Catastrophe”: A Road Trip Through Trump’s Americaweb.archive.org Donald Trump is president and we only know one thing: It's dark and getting darker.
Reposted byAvatar Cecilia Tan
"You wouldn't use air conditioning if you care about the environment" is just the new "You'd recycle your plastic if you cared about the environment." Both purposely default to individual responsibility as the cure when the real issue is industries & companies. It's. a. distraction. It always is.
There absolutely is this pervasive global idea that Air Conditioning Is The Sworn Enemy of Being Green (in a way that we don’t tend to think about heating), and this is dangerous and bad. Providing cooling that uses less energy is great, but forcing people to go without entirely? Not so much.
Reposted byAvatar Cecilia Tan
The Nightward has a Goodreads giveaway until July 7th! 100 copies are up for grabs! If The Witcher meets Caribbean mythology in a chase book sounds like your thing, head on over & shoot your shot! It's also up on Netgalley & Edelweiss & available for pre-orders. www.goodreads.com/book/show/19...
The Nightwardwww.goodreads.com Nebula and MIFRE award-winning author R.S.A. Garcia’s s…
Reposted byAvatar Cecilia Tan
Reminder that if you want archivists to preserve your materials, you need to establish that relationship before the content is already gone.
Reposted byAvatar Cecilia Tan
I don’t think we have an inflation problem so much as a private equity/large unchecked corporation problem.
I suppose I can announce I sold a short story! "This Goodly Frame, the Earth" went to Julia Rios for Worlds of Possibility! It's kinda hopepunk, queer, and combines filipino cuisine, Asian eldest daughter syndrome, intergenerational trauma, and space-faring grandparents.
Really really having trouble focusing today. I'm going to assume there are still some post-surgery medical chemicals running around in my brain. (I didn't sleep right for 2 days, either, then last night slept extra long...) But at least my knee is "fixed"?
My monthly newsletter is out! If you don't get it in your email, you can go to one of my various blog platforms to see picspam from the Nebulas Conference, a writeup of why we're in a Golden Age of Queer/Trans SF/F, and more: www.patreon.com/post...
OK Folks, opinions about the Apple credit card? Too good to be true?
This contraption is an ice machine that circulates ice cold water and is far superior to the melting ice packs one usually uses for short term injuries. I’m at the stage of my recovery where I find it HILARIOUS to note that the machine comes from ICE LAND hahhhahshaha 😆
Post surgical meds are giving me insomnia. You know I have insomnia when I resorted to scrolling Facebook.
corwin brought me bubble tea as a curative. It’s working.
Wheeeeee out of surgery and on various meds??? They gave me animal crackers and I am inordinately pleased by this