Emily Higgs Kopin

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Emily Higgs Kopin


digital libraries & archives. personal account in a professional cardigan. 🐶🐱🎮📖🧶💾
I'm going through (yet another) medical thing that has to do with reproductive health and trying to get some imaging done has been fun, anything I google returns like 1500 "pregnancy crisis" centers instead of legitimate medical providers. I'm not even pregnant
My rule of thumb for most relationships is to compliment the clothing and not the body that’s wearing it. I.e. I think “I like your blazer” is perfectly appropriate but I wouldn’t say “wow that blazer is so slimming on you” to a coworker. “Your outfit looks very stylish” over “you look great today.”
Spousal Unit and I are having a debate: can you compliment your coworker’s clothing? If someone, regardless of gender, is wearing something cool, I tell them. Apparently he (quite fashionable) never gets complimented and never compliments others. Just be nice to one another and don’t make it weird?
UCLA Special Collections has an original illustration as their home page image. I've never seen that before, but I love it and now I am fully converted to Special Collections commissioning original artwork, especially with the sudden appearance of AI art. 📜 www.library.ucla.edu/visit/locati...
The answer has been under our noses all along....on Neopets dot com
Drag Race guest judges should not be Kardashians and Hadids. Drag Race guest judges should be Elvira and John Waters. There are icons and there are LEGENDS
📢ATTN FREELANCE WRITERS📢 ROMchip: A Journal of Game Histories is currently accepting pitches for a game history long read! Scope is 2.5K-4K piece suitable to ROMchip's Materials section (focus is close reads of game history artifacts). Pay is $1000. More info: donate.romchip.org/new-work.html
New Workdonate.romchip.org ROMchip is an open access publishing venue dedicated to the historical study of games. While we serve most formally as a peer-reviewed journal for game history scholarship written by professional...
automated content moderation is such a crucial innovation! my message just got blocked because "manuscript" contains the word "anus"
Do I have big plans this weekend? Hell yeah. I'm going to rest so hard. You guys can't even comprehend how hard I'm going to lounge. We're talking reclining. I may even loaf, laze, loll, idle. The feet are going UP.
I just heard a student tour guide in the library call ILL "Uber Books"
“This should be archived”
:dons librarian hat: Digital preservation is more expensive than preserving paper; it takes more staff, active attention, and consistent computing resources. Libraries have discussed “digital dark age” since the 1990s. Corp archives often 1st to go b/c suits haven’t figured out how to profit.
One of the interesting things about the Internet is that we’re actually living through a dark age. Future historians are unlikely to have records of this period. Paper and ink last. Digital storage, less so. variety.com/2024/tv/news...
Comedy Central’s Website Purges 25 Years of Video Clips and Other Contentvariety.com The vast repository of content on Comedy Central's website has been removed by Paramount Global, in a move to push fans to Paramount+.
people really are thinking they're the Main of La Mancha and just getting windmilled again and again
attn scholarly organizations, this is now considered best practice
I forgot to tell you guys I made a neopet named WorldCat
I can see that this relating to computing, too - per @ehkopin.bsky.social's earlier point about "the cloud," most people think the energy use of their computing ends at their computer plug (and their phone? not at all IMO)
Incredible line from MTA board member Norman Brown (a former Long Island Rail Road machinist and union delegate, later transportation policy scholar) from a longer pro-congestion-pricing retort at the board meeting: “If you live in the car, you think of the windshield as the end of your universe.”
Digital archives be like
It's like hiring one person to be your processing archivist, conservator, & storage facilities manager...but in many instances the storage facility is under constant construction and collections get damaged in the process and donors keep sending you truckloads of garbage alongside the good stuff.
Marcus Aurelius says u don’t have to have a take on fucking everything 🙌
There is a lot of turnover in "digital" cultural heritage jobs. I have a theory as to why: 1. The "digital unicorn" problem where one person is expected to encompass the entirety of "digital" operations 2. Lack of commitment to tech & social infrastructure necessary to actually perform duties And,
I’m hearing a lot of “college kids today don’t know how to disagree because they are always in their little phone bubble” but it is by and large not the students who are calling up university presidents and demanding that speech they don’t like be banned.
"The cloud" was such an incredible marketing move. Just fully leaning into the rhetoric that cloud computing is this magical thing that happens up in the sky and doesn't have impact on our environment or the sustainability of our labor. It's depressing how well that rhetoric worked.
Reminder that if you want archivists to preserve your materials, you need to establish that relationship before the content is already gone.
Before you tell librarians what they should/shouldn’t do to fight state attacks on marginalized communities, please consider that a lot of those librarians belong to said marginalized communities
My flight home doesn’t have a gate yet so the departures board just says “RELAX.” Every time I look at it I feel like a man I’m arguing with is telling me to calm down
After my first time in England outside of London, I’ve decided on my top 3 British things: 3. Malt vinegar on chips 2. Grazing sheep visible from trains 1. Savory pastry I am not currently accepting arguments or objections, thank you
Could the kindly people in the GLAM community lead me towards any zines created by people within the GLAM community about GLAM subjects? I want to do a post or a few posts about professionals using specific mediums within the pop culture landscape. Links are appreciated! 📜 #GLAMS #zines
Pleased to report that the music these English university students are blasting at their end-of-term bash is ABBA
ChatGPT already has “Ph.D.-level intelligence,” in that once you remove it from its extremely narrow field of expertise (assembling words into credible-sounding passages) it is wildly out of its depth, but people vastly overestimate its authority because they don’t understand what “intelligence” is.