Celeste Headlee

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Celeste Headlee


Writer, journalist, speaker. She/her. Black and Jewish. Detroit stan forever. Living on Piscataway land. Latest book: https://rb.gy/4ovkd
Press: [email protected]
Did you know Prime Day was literally created by a corporation to sell more stuff
Must read today: "Within a month or two, the basic contours of the presidential election may well be the exact same as they were on Saturday morning, with Trump as a moderate but not overwhelming favorite to win his second term." www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
Stop Pretending You Know How This Will Endwww.theatlantic.com The failed assassination of Donald Trump might not have any lasting effect on the election or politics in general.
Our choice this fall is between two old dudes about whom many expect have expressed reasonable concerns because of their age and abilities. The choice isn't between an old guy & a young, healthy guy. It's between two old guys.
Biden is old. Trump is also old. Trump says nonsensical things, mistook Biden for Obama, said Nikki Haley oversaw security on 1/6, referred to Argentina as a person, couldn't say Venezuela, said he likes mosquitos and people are coming to the US speaking languages no one speaks.
Some of them do believe that. Fear is a hell of a drug.
This Vice piece is very good. Raises more hairs on my neck than a Stephen King novel, though. www.vox.com/politics/360...
So, @brianstelter thinks the @wapo is in big trouble and the solution is for Jeff Bezos to be MORE involved. Do you disagree? Listen first! Then tell me what you think. slate.com/podcasts/hea...
Jeff Bezos Could Save The Post (Again)slate.com If he ran the Post like Amazon… would that be such a bad thing?
“The dangerous man is the one who has only one idea, because then he’ll fight and die for it. You [must] come up with lots of ideas, and most of them will be wrong.” --Francis Crick
I'm disgusted by just how easy it is to distract and manipulate people with racism, sexism, selfishness, and hatred. And greed.
Hillary Clinton, Yale Law School grad, in 2016: “If we’re serious about fighting for progressive causes, we need to focus on the Court: who sits on it, how we choose them, and how much we let politics—partisan politics—dominate that process.”
"Make no mistake about it — this is the most radical, destructive, arrogant Supreme Court in the entire history of the United States of America."
"While the decisions coming out of this Court are bad enough, the fact that they’re coming from a collection of judges who have responded to serious charges of ethical lapses and outright corruption levied against them with nothing but contempt and condescension."
July 4th is the celebration of freedom from monarchy, right?
So, the burglary at the Watergate would have been legal because Nixon talked about it in the Oval Office?
It's not their fault that their dissent is impotent.
"Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry; it merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me." --Zora Neale Hurston
If you believe that there is more than enough food in the world and no one should go hungry, you can help support our pantry that supplies families in our neighborhood. Complete privacy and dignity, no questions asked. Just take the food you need. www.gofundme.com/f/stock-the-...
Stock the Free Food Pantry, organized by Celeste Headleewww.gofundme.com My neighbors and I put up a little free pantry when the pandemic began, as so many people i… Celeste Headlee needs your support for Stock the Free Food Pantry
A growing number of young women are becoming #tradwives. Is that a failure of feminism? @cnicolemason says you may not agree with them, but you shouldn't ignore them. This week on #HearMeOut @SlatePodcasts slate.com/podcasts/hea...
Tradwives Show Us Feminism’s Failuresslate.com Boss babes can only take the movement so far.
Only in a theocracy is a religion also a political party.
As a journalist whose job is to pay attention to what the president says, this is true.
A big thing here is that Biden talks about these things all the time. At some point you have to admit that a lot of supposed politics knowers aren't very aware of what POTUS does and says on a day-to-basis
One last (hopeful) note: there was a big decline in empathy among young ppl, but that trend has reversed. Now, older ppl are the least empathetic and Gen Z (yay!!) is showing an increase in compassion. So, let's listen to them instead of arresting them. news.uwgb.edu/phlash/media...
The Surprising Surge of Compassion in Modern Youth | Psychology Todaynews.uwgb.edu By UW-Green Bay Professor Alison Jane Martingano, Ph.D. “The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves.” –Peter the Hermit (1050-1115 AD) Thro...
Anyway, here's a quote from Fred Rogers...