Celeste Headlee

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Celeste Headlee


Writer, journalist, speaker. She/her. Black and Jewish. Detroit stan forever. Living on Piscataway land. Latest book: https://rb.gy/4ovkd
Press: [email protected]
“The dangerous man is the one who has only one idea, because then he’ll fight and die for it. You [must] come up with lots of ideas, and most of them will be wrong.” --Francis Crick
I'm disgusted by just how easy it is to distract and manipulate people with racism, sexism, selfishness, and hatred. And greed.
Hillary Clinton, Yale Law School grad, in 2016: “If we’re serious about fighting for progressive causes, we need to focus on the Court: who sits on it, how we choose them, and how much we let politics—partisan politics—dominate that process.”
"Make no mistake about it — this is the most radical, destructive, arrogant Supreme Court in the entire history of the United States of America."
July 4th is the celebration of freedom from monarchy, right?
So, the burglary at the Watergate would have been legal because Nixon talked about it in the Oval Office?
"Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry; it merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It’s beyond me." --Zora Neale Hurston
If you believe that there is more than enough food in the world and no one should go hungry, you can help support our pantry that supplies families in our neighborhood. Complete privacy and dignity, no questions asked. Just take the food you need. www.gofundme.com/f/stock-the-...
Stock the Free Food Pantry, organized by Celeste Headleewww.gofundme.com My neighbors and I put up a little free pantry when the pandemic began, as so many people i… Celeste Headlee needs your support for Stock the Free Food Pantry
A growing number of young women are becoming #tradwives. Is that a failure of feminism? @cnicolemason says you may not agree with them, but you shouldn't ignore them. This week on #HearMeOut @SlatePodcasts slate.com/podcasts/hea...
Tradwives Show Us Feminism’s Failuresslate.com Boss babes can only take the movement so far.
Only in a theocracy is a religion also a political party.
As a journalist whose job is to pay attention to what the president says, this is true.
A big thing here is that Biden talks about these things all the time. At some point you have to admit that a lot of supposed politics knowers aren't very aware of what POTUS does and says on a day-to-basis
You’re forgiven for the Mad Max images this brings to mind, because movie tropes are what all of this is the IDF. It’s not a war; it’s the culmination of a lifetime of propaganda and playing soldier. It’s not self-defense; It’s dehumanization on a cinematic scale. It’s comic book grotesquerie.
“Israeli army forces strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the hood of a military Jeep during an arrest raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on Saturday. A video showed a Palestinian resident of Jenin, Mujahed Azmi, on the Jeep that passes two ambulances.”
Israeli forces strap wounded Palestinian man to hood of military jeepapple.news Verified video shows Jenin resident Mujahed Azmi on vehicle that passes two ambulances during raid
One interesting fact is the most fervent Brexiters weren’t born in Britain. Hannan is from Peru, others from South Africa, Australia and elsewhere. They seem to have got caught up in the fantasy of what Britain meant for them personally and then tried to make it a reality.
I cannot say this often enough. If you connect with me on social media and your first communication is a pitch or solicitation, I'll break that connection faster than lies spread on TikTok.
Google & websites everywhere. I’ve had to send take downs to multiple websites using my name and work in clearly AI-generated blog posts with incorrect info. Small orgs desperate for clicks. In one, it falsely claimed that my life’s work over the past 10 years was created by a man I’ve never met.
"A SPLENDID ORCHESTRA Is in town, but will not be engaged."
The proceeds from Mark Twain’s first lecture - arguably the origin of standup comedy - were seized by the SFPD to settle “bail debt” from when they had arrested him for reporting on police violence. The show sold out. He knew they would come. He went on anyway. “The Trouble Begins at 8”
Chiquita's annual revenue in 2022 was $3.1 billion. This fine amounts to a single percent (1%) of that revenue.
"God either cannot answer our prayers, or like the great majority of Americans, is not greatly concerning himself with the supplications of black folks." Dean H. Smith, 1936
Just as a store wouldn’t reopen for a customer who arrived after it closed, you shouldn’t make exceptions to your hours when you get a late-night email or feel the itch to check in with the boss on a Sunday afternoon. “Closed is closed,” she says. time.com/6981061/rela...
Do Less. It's Good for Youtime.com Unproductive moments can boost health and happiness.
"I have heard of men without enemies and I have often wondered what they could be doing." --William Pickens
putting the Fix the Court data into a pie chart (usually the worst form of chart) really helps communicate the scale of what is happening here docs.google.com/spreadsheets...
Just a reminder that several of the founders of the NAACP were American Jews who saw a heartbreaking parallel between the violence against European Jews at the time & race violence in America, which is to say that our ancestors knew that right is right & injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.