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Educator & ed researcher. Currently focusing on how to develop better tests, for instruction and for democratic oversight of schools.
Avatar I offer that there are actually are that presidency lacks any “conclusive and preclusive” powers. That would violate the Constitutions fundamental checks and balances design. 1/
Avatar quick question from a small town’s human rights commission: Can it remove comments on its Facebook page that contain slurs? (This is about the use of particular words, not the negativity or merely insulting intent.)
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
That's just a kickback. He's describing a kickback.
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
This is an Elizabeth Prelogar stan account. She is consistently brilliant, direct & clear. She spots a booby trap question a mile away. Her tone is circumspect & even prim, but still passionate w/trace tones of righteous anger. It’s so impt to face this SCOTUS w/this level of brilliance & purpose. 👏🏾
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
States’ Rights is an American political philosophy that means states are allowed to be more authoritarian than the federal government, but cannot be more liberal than the federal government
@gruber “...great artists steal” is so often misunderstood. It’s not at all about ethics. It’s about changing public perception of the whatever. Whitney Houston stole “I will always love you.” It is now understood as a Whitney song, not a Dolly song. Linda Ronstadt merely borrowed it from Dolly.
Avatar shouldn’t the liberal justices take the opportunity to write a concurrence stating plainly, and clearly that sometimes consequences are so important that cannot merely rely on textualism and originalism?
Avatar you missed an opportunity that I might never forgive you for. Shortening “The exception proves the rule in case is not excepted” to “The exception proves the rule” is an old pet peeve of mine. Section 3 of the 14th amendment is a perfect example to make the point.
Avatar I see what you did there. I don’t know that Josh did, but I see it.
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
You don't have to take on all of the world's problems. This is impossible. But we can all do something useful. Find out what your useful thing is if you're not already doing something. It's enough.
Avatar The way I was trained, much of her plagiarism did cross the line. Though the attacks ARE motivated by all sorts of bad faith, they did uncover violations—some quite serious. Their motivations does not change tye seriousness of the violations. She did it. She did repeatedly. 1/
Avatar your “Substack Has A Nazi Opportunity” is very good.
Avatar here is the very first question from NYS’s Jan ‘23 ELA Regents Exam and the closest 8th, 9-10th and 11-12th standards. Even the first item falls quite short of alignment. This is the data you say we should trust?
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
As ever, a huge percentage of the "culture war" in this country is the division between those who think that children are people and those who think that children are their parents chattel
It's pretty intuitive to all decent people that if your child is trans, or even just experimenting & exploring their own gender, and they feel that they need to hide that from their parents, that the person at fault here is the Parent
Avatar how have you not done this? This seems like something for Stevie Nicks.
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
Next question, please. Hi. I really have more of a variant on the Trolley Problem than a question….
Avatar you can embed pictures as chapter art in a podcast. You can include pictures of the baseball cards. You won’t. But you can. And doesn’t it make a difference to know that the possibility exists?
Avatar what a great guest. What a clear communicator!
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
Trump killed more Americans than anyone in history not named Jefferson Davis and we just never talk about it.
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
Hard to believe it's been over 50 years and NASA are still turning to Nazis for help with rockets. Some traditions die hard
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
Happy Four Seasons Total Landscaping Day to all who celebrate!
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
I wish more people understood that discrimination isn't just the presence of hatred and bias but also the absence of trust and forgiveness
Avatar what are you working on these days? or, what are you doing instead of working?
Key sentence in a paper for a conference next week, but that’s holding back. My real thoughts and feelings are on my blog each day this month. (31 Haladyna rules for item writing? 31 days in October? Hello, lady!) Paper: Blog:
Claims of "common sense" are the last refuge of the witless.
Reposted byAvatar Ceolaf
This is a appreciation post. The content, yes, but also that the hosts speak an appropriately fast pace such that it's the one podcast I don't listen to at 1.25x speed
Avatar what the fuck is going on here? Do you have to deal with this kind of asshole mob shit elsewhere?
Avatar I am glad to be able to follow you here, in case I need to finally give up on twitter/X.