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Science Communicator. Lefty. Irish.

Hobbies: Wild food, gardening, playing music. Star Trek nerd.
Reposted byAvatar Rob
Please, please take a minute to read this. It got around on The Bad Place - but we'll need to do some outreach/education here on Faked and Cruel "nature" photos.
You didn't know that you needed a picture of a tiny frog riding a giant beetle, but now you do.
When whimsical wildlife photography isn't what it This photo looks cute, but it reveals the cloudy intersection of wildlife photography, animal welfare issues and photojournalism integrity.
Reposted byAvatar Rob
“That Fascism serves the ends of Big Business is seen in the attitude of Big Business men towards it.”
Reposted byAvatar Rob
It's so typical for them to rush through legislation and leave every underfunded animal welfare charity to deal with whatever disaster unfolds.
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Reposted byAvatar Rob
Adobe is getting so much flack for their AI features that in sponsored social media posts they’ve stopped using the term ‘AI’ & now call it ‘text to vector art’ 🙄 Don’t let them dodge pushback because of this rebrand attempt & imo they can still fuck ‘emselves for stealing work from their customers
Reposted byAvatar Rob
*Nutting myself with the nunchucks I've been swinging wildly at other people* "Time out! Fuck. You guys need to deescalate this violence. Oh fuck. I can't breathe. Fuuuuck..."
Reposted byAvatar Rob
when the Democrats finish their current bout of friendly fire perhaps they can reckon with the fact that this guy is an explicit political enemy and has been for quite some time now and begin the process of disentangling the federal government from his companies
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Elmo was cracking me up on set when we shot this video. Me: mucous can seem kinda gross Elmo: no no. Mucous doesn’t SEEM gross, it IS gross I had so much fun sharing Jersey shore wildlife with these kids! Check it out!…
Sesame Street: Elmo and Kids Meet a Marine Biologist featuring Let's take a dive into the wonderful world of the ocean! Elmo and his friends from HiHo Kids meet a Marine Biologist who studies animals that live in the sea...
Reposted byAvatar Rob
New Gist: LPT, the Chew-Toy Tax "This scheme was designed to give the illusion of financial autonomy to Ireland’s elected local authorities while ensuring they never actually got to change anything with their decisions."
The Gist: LPT, the Chew Toy Ireland's Local Property Tax creates the illusion of political choices for our newly-elected councillors.
Reposted byAvatar Rob
OMG I’m gasping 😂😂😂
Another hit from Uri Kurlianchik. Recommended listening while you read:
Reposted byAvatar Rob
I’m no EU superfan but the concerted attacks on it from the Right are because it’s the only body willing enough and powerful enough to do this to a billionaire.
BREAKING: EU formally charges Musk's X/Twitter for failing to respect EU social media law. X/Twitter could face a multi-million euro fine in a pioneering case under EU's new Digital Services Act.
EU charges Elon Musk’s X for letting disinfo run The tech mogul’s platform is the first to get hit with charges under new EU social media law.
Reposted byAvatar Rob
The person I voted for in 2020 sent bombs to a country which then used those bombs to destroy my cousin's house so I'm not really in the mood to be lectured by people significantly to my right about what the left should do
Reposted byAvatar Rob
i am sure it's very annoying to americans when non-americans weigh in on their political issues but you do have to realise there is pretty much nobody alive that american foreign, environmental, and economic policy doesn't affect
Reposted byAvatar Rob
i have nothing but contempt for Americans who sit astride a mountain of Indigenous corpses, Black corpses, Arab corpses, Filipino corpses, Latin American corpses, Vietnamese corpses, Korean corpses, and say: ‘Actually, I think *all* violence is bad’
Reposted byAvatar Rob
Because we shouldn’t allow incompetent fascists to become the standard by which we make our own decisions. They are evil and bad and nasty. The point is NOT to say “well, at least I’m not that evil and bad and nasty.” The point is be vibrant, agile, compelling and visionary ON OUR OWN MERITS.
how is this happening at the same time as the republicans are nominating a convicted felon and rapist next week ifeellikeimtakingcrazypills.gif
Reposted byAvatar Rob
History will remember this time as the “US cannibalized itself so it could do a genocide” era.
Reposted byAvatar Rob
This meme is relevant again.
does anyone else feel goofy trying to recycle and conserve power after reading about how much energy AI consumes on a daily basis
Reposted byAvatar Rob
Your friendly reminder that airbnb is shite for lots of reasons from housing crisis to including occupied territories locations BOYCOTT BOYCOTT BOYCOTT
Reposted byAvatar Rob
To be clear: a coalition of the Left — the socialists — and the Greens were able to block the far Right in France. And there is a lesson here for the US: voters across the West want the neoliberal experiment to end. We CAN and we MUST end it to save the future & improve people's wellbeing to boot!
Reposted byAvatar Rob
Cute of capitalism to keep coming up with new ways to pathologize any & all symptoms of suffering under it & means of escaping it
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Reposted byAvatar Rob
I see we've reached the "famous artist credibly accused of sexual assault wasn't actually a great artist and you're a chump for liking him" phase. Consider that pretending terrible people can't make great art helps terrible people who make great art whedon their way into vulnerable communities.
Reposted byAvatar Rob
So a thing about AI is that, not understanding the material itself, it cannot understand what the gap is in someone else’s understanding. Students already have access to materials that will repeat important points over and over. They don’t need more.
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Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine