
If you have heard of stuff that happened more than five years ago it must be because you are fifty years old
young minds are so interesting
I mean, it's true that he stopped making things 20 years ago (if only)
It’s sort of interesting, because when you’re 20, 5 years *is* an incredibly long time, SW Ep IX would feel an eternity ago to you, most people don’t read credits and JJ Abrams is a) quite shit and b) really shit at actually getting things made rather than just announcing them.
Oh I mean, I can see how you'd reach this conclusion for sure. It's just funny.
Oh completely; and maybe Gracie is better than her Dad in her chosen field? Although the sudden decision being a nepo baby doesn’t matter in this instance / because you don’t know adds extra hilarity. Also, we *are* basically 50. I think that’s fair enough.
One of the problems with pop culture currently is a bunch of people our age insisting younger people should care about the things we did when we were kids (eg Ghostbusters)
I watched this interview Reitman did with Adam Savage about how doing Frozen Empire was him trying to recreate how he felt sitting on set for the first movie and it was such a perfect encapsulation of the problem.
The problem with Abrams is pretty well summed up in his Ted Talk. The mystery box is an okay place to start, but it's hard (for him at least) to tell a satisfying story without a resolution.
The mystery box | JJ YouTube video by TED
His entire theory of drama is drivel.
I was going to say, the entire notion that every story has to be a puzzle to solve is fallacious to begin with. And IMO, responsible for some of the worst aspects of current fan culture.
I blame JJ Abrams and his contemporaries for the current poison that is "spoiler culture." I have people commenting on shit I write saying it's a spoiler to share movie news or trailers and I feel bad for people who will never get to experience an actual plot or characters.
Yes, that’s what I mean, treating every piece of media like it’s a puzzle to solve instead of an emotional experience to have is very bad. “Rosebud” just being a sled isn’t remarkable; it’s the journey to understanding why that would be a dying wealthy man’s final words that matters.
It actually just hit me that his mystery stuff (Brick, Knives Out, Glass Onion, Pokerface) Johnson is still better at actual "mystery box" drama than Abrams is. Because he understands that investment in the mystery comes from the characters, *not* the puzzle pieces.
Knives Out is even able to trick you twenty minutes in into thinking it's NOT really a murder mystery but a character-based comedy-crime-drama about Marta trying not to be arrested as a murderer, and we're not going "ripoff", we're going "oh no, look out Marta, the dog has evidence!"
Dang it. Now I need to rewatch Knives Out and Glass Onion again. And Brick. It’s been a minute.
"I got all five've my senses AND I slept last night, which puts me six up on you pissants!"
I still remember watching that in a run down small four screen cinema on the outskirts of my city. It felt like its own character in the movie. And now I also need to add Poker Face to my rewatch. Damn it.
It actually came out while I was technically homeless/displaced by Hurricane Katrina, and the umbrage at "the system" for tossing aside a person's life hit me pretty deep at the time, I confess.
I’m glad he’s working on a new Blanc film. Even though we’ve only had two, it really feels like getting a new one for the winter holidays a la James Bond is an annual tradition to look forwards to.
Right??? "Yes! Erase that tape! *Whew*"