
"Between 1976 and 1985, states that passed the laws saw their domestic violence rates against men and women fall by about 30%; the number of women murdered by an intimate partner declined by 10%; and female suicide rates declined by 8 to 16%."
Conservative US lawmakers are pushing for an end to no-fault Republicans in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas have discussed eliminating or restricting such cases
“Any sort of additional barrier that we add to the ease of legal proceeding is, frankly, a nightmare & an enormous burden for survivors,”
It's all about control. Steven Crowder's wife left him and he immediately started ranting to his podcast audience about how it, "Wasn't his choice," and "She decided she didn't want to be married anymore" and "In Texas that's allowed." He's mad because the law allowed his wife the right to leave.
In the minds of the far right-wing asshats, women shouldn't have that right. It means she gets to choose who her partner is. It means she gets to walk away from him if he makes her unhappy. That fucks with their idea that they should be in charge because they're the man of the house.
The idea that he doesn't get to control when the relationship ends is a threat to those guys' masculinity. It doesn't just hurt on a personal level; it makes them feel insecure. So they want to do away with the entire idea so that they get to exercise total power over the women they marry.
We are so fucked unless Biden wins and SCOTUS is expanded to at least four more liberal justices to stop this shit.
biden isn’t willing to expand the courts
He wasn't willing to fight for abortion access in years past yet here we are. He has a track record of evolving in ways that even Obama didn't/won't.
is he fighting for abortion access? I haven't seen any executive orders mandating federally funded abortion clinics
How can that work when 24 states ban abortions and their MAGA AG's will file lawsuits against it and he will lose at SCOTUS? Seriously, get a grip.
i'm just saying, the idea of "don't try it because you can't beat them" has not done the democratic party any favors. the governor of arkansas sued the federal government to block the little rock nine in 1957, and it wasn't ultimately the courts that decided that one
Also there's at least a 50 percent chance he's gonna lose
EMPOWERING WOMEN!?!? This madness MUST be STOPPED!!!! -- R-party
These people are like a neurotoxin in the bloodstream of this country.
I’d be interested in knowing if the number of widows decreased as well.
why are Republicans trying to make people prove they don't want to be together... Republicans are some dumb assholes. And people keep voting for them...