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Did a man in a clown mask just run through here?
jesus fucking christ, bluesky - I log off for two hours and it all goes the fuck to hell
At what point does Project 2025 curiosity start generating enough clicks that every eyeball-hungry outlet starts writing about it? It sure feels like we're at that point or past it.
I know with hindsight everyone is saying they should have directed people look up parts of a massive policy document months ago, but like, you know how weird it is to see people directing each other to go look up sections of a massive policy document?
Increasingly seeing this stuff on non-politics social media
"How the sausage gets made" is by adding more and more sawdust to the mix
Zaslav, yesterday, on the pres. election: “We just need an opportunity for deregulation, so companies can consolidate and do what we need to to be even better,” he said. Today, CNN to lay off 100 staffers. www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/bus...
CNN to Lay Off 100 Staffers as It Preps Major Revamp of Digital Effortswww.hollywoodreporter.com CNN CEO Mark Thompson told staff Wednesday that its first digital subscription product will launch this year, and that it is exploring a "strategic push into AI."
I just saw a guy driving a big truck like a ford F150 with a bunch of lumber stuck through the window of the second row of the cabin, like in one side out the other, presumably because it was too long to go in the very short bed. Congrats on designing trucks that defeat the purpose of trucks.
Alright settle down class. Ok, so: Lot was a bit of a drinker and had two daughters, and his neighbors wanted to rape his houseguests, and then he also had this wife but she was disobedient...
google maps should have a "scenic route" checkbox. allow slightly suboptimal routes if they pass through scenic vistas
I sent this email to Snopes about their ridiculous Charlottesville "fact check" on Friday, followed up yesterday, no response. So sharing it here as an open letter. Apologies for the typos, I wrote it pretty fast. @brooklynmarie.bsky.social
"Within weeks, the nation will deploy 9,000 people to begin restoring landscapes, erecting solar panels, and taking other steps to help guide the country toward a cleaner, greener future...More than 20,000 young people are expected to join during the program’s first year" grist.org/solutions/am...
The American Climate Corps officially kicks offgrist.org This month, 9,000 people will be deployed to restore landscapes and erect solar panels, helping guide the country toward a greener future.
love that we've ceded control of our primary voice networks because we're too corrupt to pass and enforce rules that don't upset telemarketers and debt collectors
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your phone.www.washingtonpost.com Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
Former Russian deputy from Putin's party, Volodymyr Dmitriev, was killed in Ukraine, according to Russian media reports. Dmitriev previously served as a deputy from Chuvashia.
Young people are full of dreams and expectations and depending on how those dreams are killed and expectations are upended, they can either age into people who wish the world afforded everyone a chance or people who want the world to burn for denying them theirs.
living where I do in bumfuck rural appalachia there is zero, zero shortage of young angry maga The myth that the youth will save us is just that, a myth rightwing churches and parents are doing a nice job raising a new crop of lil racist shitbirds
There are people with consistent pro-life positions, and while I don't think the belief makes them worthy of exile from society I also don't think they ameliorate the forced-birth movement one bit because they clearly have no power in it.
“Comparative advantage is for suckers”
...no... not like this
Since God and Man At Yale, tbh. Just took a while to get the engine revved up.
melted brain conservatives PLEASE keep writing articles like this. keep going after dolly and taylor swift lets see how that works out for you. THE PARTY OF VERY COOL AND TOTALLY NORMAL GUYS YOU WOULD WANT TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH
This is a must-read against doomerism and for facing facts and having a plan:
I’m not a hot take person by any means, but fuck it, I enjoy this stupid song
Santana’s “Smooth” turns 25 this week.  “In the middle of the take, time stopped and I entered into a vortex. I was like, ‘Uh-oh. This is big,’” Carlos Santana, the band’s leader, said.
The Tao of ‘Smooth,’ Rock’s Enduring, Inescapable Earwormwww.nytimes.com Santana’s track featuring Rob Thomas turns 25 this week. Why is it still a rock blockbuster?
Elon still asking his dev team to implement a "force people to like me" button.
They name the resistance terrorists and people fall for it every.single.time
For conservatives, getting exactly what they wanted in the Hunter Biden case is about the worst possible outcome