
“So she would have the artist turn his lyrics over to the government prior to putting out or promoting any songs he planned to use them in, and at that point if they are deemed to be “inconsistent with the goals of rehabilitation”, prosecutors could ask to modify Dorsey’s supervised release terms.”
Rapper BG ordered to have all future songs approved by US Ruling leads to claims that BG’s right to free speech unfairly challenged in another case putting rap lyrics on trial
wow I realize convicted people* in this country have very few rights but this seems wildly dystopian even by the measure of [checks notes] yesterday *except for one of them
And a 34 time felon is free and running for POTUS.
With the supreme court's blessing no less.
So now #GenocideJoeBiden has been absolved of the sin of #genocide too, right? Goes for one criminal, goes for all criminals. We should expect a mass prison releases now? Or does the immunity go for presidents only?
Hedwig since you're supposedly very aware of what is actively shitty, please start using alt text. Disabled people deserve some level of care for their existence too. When you're done sealioning on every post on the website.
I'm seeing the shots of the signed government censor forms at the beginning of Bollywood movies.
SCOTUS, soon: the applicability of the First and Second Amendments is limited to the scopes and classes of citizenry intended by the Founders and Framers at the time the amendments were drafted & ratified, whether or not these were formally recorded, which the Majority considers a mere technicality
Literally a future holding except your version was more succinct than the future interminable opinion will be.
Uuuuuuuuuuh, first off, fuck all of that. Second, what the fuck But also, fucking hell, Trump should have to follow these rules
Rap snitches, tellin all their business. Sit in the court and be their own star witness. DOOM is always relevant
This sounds like prior restraint on free speech, which I think means that the Popehat signal is lighting the horizon of Gotham.
It’s complicated because they’re on supervised release, which is like parole or probation — and subject to rules that would violate their constitutional rights if they were not a defendant on parole/probation.
it must be kind of difficult to tick the boxes as the parole officer of a guy in the gangster rap game
Which courts somehow see fit to apply to say, this rapper, but somehow not to, say, Steve Bannon. Or Alex Jones. That the judge acknowledged that the prior restraint complaint "might apply" feels agonizing, yet I am unable to articulate the issue as precisely as lawyers can. Just wrongness.
Everybody can use an editor i guess
Who is the judge in this case?