
"“I was appalled by the decision,” John Boyd Jr., president and founder of the National Black Farmers Association, said in an interview. “I see this as rolling back the clock with race relations — because the country is so divided on race, especially in rural America.”"
Black farmers' association calls for Tractor Supply CEO's resignation after company cuts DEI The National Black Farmers Association is calling on Tractor Supply’s president and CEO to step down, days after the rural retailer announced that it would drop most of its corporate diversity and cli...
Businesses are going to do what makes them money. They gotta stay in business. Their customer base is largely rural Americans who don't care about these things. It makes no fiscal sense to spend money on programs to satisfy people who aren't your customers. It's unfortunate but understandable to me.
This is wild as literal customers from rural communities are the ones who are the focus of the story which you’re responding to.
I watched Kevin O’Leary on CNBC (yes, I hate myself) talking about DEI as an opposition to business people and farmers, the *constant* and irritating and wrong assumption that all those people are white
Oh I don't think it's about race. I'm not white myself, I'm American born Latino. I think it's cultural. I live in rural Georgia and don't see people irl talking about things like DEI and Pride and things of that nature. They just go to work.
So why do you think your anecdotal experience should outweigh the informed opinions of *checks notes* the National Black Farmers Association?
I don't 🤣 This same sht happens on Twitter. You say something halfway outta step with the quo and you get mobbed by people asking you to defend positions you didn't take. I'm saying they made a business decision, maybe a bad one, time will tell, but it's not about being racist or directly evil.
they made a “business decision” that was influenced by racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. it’s still all of those things.
Maybe people don't generally talk about DEI, so it's almost like the ones bitching about it shouldn't be caved to?
My understanding of the attempts to actually get data on this suggest that you are right, people don’t talk about DEI because they think it’s good and normal. People who do talk about it a lot are the minority of complainers.
It is cultural in the sense that TSC’s corporate HQ is based in Brentwood, TN and their executives don’t give a fuck.
as evidenced by scrapping their entire DEI team that they had spent years and millions building up to be a model of success in the industry that other companies strived to attain they were proud of their accomplishments, even! the articles are still up! idk they can get fucked now i guess
Tractor Supply Recognized for Diversity and Inclusion in the Retailer named to Bloomberg Gender Equality Index for second consecutive year, included on Newsweek’s list of America’s Greatest Workplaces for Diversity Tractor Supply Company (NASDAQ: TSCO ), the la...
Yes but you see, a transphobic music-video director named Robby Starbuck* yelled at them so what else could they do? 😡 *I’m not making that up
he's an even bigger taint on the Starbuck family name than the union-busting coffeehouse
The last time I went to TSC was to get my pup his rabies vax. It was in Howell, MI (feel free to Google the area)… anyway, the customers in the store were noticeably more diverse than I ever recall in the millions of times my parents drug me along as a kid. Staff was not as diverse. Just seems dumb.
the pet stuff is a huge draw here now that the rite aid closed (they had a shots clinic once a month on saturdays) and the nearest petsmart is ~25 minutes away i'm in NH and our population isn't exactly super diverse here but there's a strong mix of customers as well, taking that into account
Latino isn't a color, it's an ethnicity. Plenty of Latinos are white. Although there are plenty of mestizos and brown ones who like to think they are, more fool they.
Another example (the person you’re replying to, not you) of people thinking they are saying something insightful, when really they’re just saying “this third party *needs* to do things that fit with my preconceived notions and beliefs” with the weight of an axiom.