
"“I was appalled by the decision,” John Boyd Jr., president and founder of the National Black Farmers Association, said in an interview. “I see this as rolling back the clock with race relations — because the country is so divided on race, especially in rural America.”"
Black farmers' association calls for Tractor Supply CEO's resignation after company cuts DEI The National Black Farmers Association is calling on Tractor Supply’s president and CEO to step down, days after the rural retailer announced that it would drop most of its corporate diversity and cli...
fuck yeah Black farmers
This is horrible, I’m not completely surprised. Five years ago when they opened a store in my Pennsylvania suburb, the door chime played Dixie. I complained to the company and they changed it to the national anthem. 🙄 Won’t be shopping there again.
In PENNSYLVANIA. Lord, they must have been feeling threatened.
I figured the new manager must have been a son of the south and wanted to make a statement. I guess if the same happened today, TS would laugh at me and put up confederate flags.
There's a weird breed of folks who have never lived in nor otherwise tied to "the South" and yet they act like they have/are. Hell, I've seen the true lunacy of CANADIANS saying stupid shit which isn't even relevant to their laws/Charter.
My paternal family is still in racist ass western Virginia. Some in-laws live in North Carolina. We visit a few times every year, and there is a difference in the last 8 years or so. So, I do have experience with those who still embrace “the cause “.
We have some who fly confederate flags outside of their rundown houses here. This is a little slice of Alabama north of the Mason Dixon. It’s probably due to the racism in the area. Sad sad spot.
The way the TS has wiped out smaller farm and garden supply stores... they could have literally gone "... then take your business elsewhere" to the bigoted customers and they would have had to suck it up because they have no where else to go.
They are by and for bigots. Same with Home Depot.
They certainly confirmed that.
This is why you go to Atwoods instead of Tractor supply.
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“Snidely Whiplash level of do-baddery” isn’t necessary where cowardice can suffice
for the past two years while they loudly and proudly touted their best in class DEI programs, for which they had won accolades in business journals, their stock did nothing but climb some jagoff got mad about them sponsoring a pride event and their stock tumbled
after a brief recovery following the reactionary changes it is again trending downward
aw, did he block me or did he get blocked? ...anyways
He’s on a block run now I guess
This is wild as literal customers from rural communities are the ones who are the focus of the story which you’re responding to.
I watched Kevin O’Leary on CNBC (yes, I hate myself) talking about DEI as an opposition to business people and farmers, the *constant* and irritating and wrong assumption that all those people are white
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So why do you think your anecdotal experience should outweigh the informed opinions of *checks notes* the National Black Farmers Association?
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Maybe people don't generally talk about DEI, so it's almost like the ones bitching about it shouldn't be caved to?
My understanding of the attempts to actually get data on this suggest that you are right, people don’t talk about DEI because they think it’s good and normal. People who do talk about it a lot are the minority of complainers.
Latino isn't a color, it's an ethnicity. Plenty of Latinos are white. Although there are plenty of mestizos and brown ones who like to think they are, more fool they.
Another example (the person you’re replying to, not you) of people thinking they are saying something insightful, when really they’re just saying “this third party *needs* to do things that fit with my preconceived notions and beliefs” with the weight of an axiom.
Their customers are more exurban than rural, and we're not all bigots, CJ. Our $10k+ a year is going elsewhere now.
and I will share this article from Fast Company where another (now former) customer was spending $65k+ per year with them. It's simply wrong to say rural != diverse . They're gonna lose customers over it. A LOT of customers. (NB: serious racist apology commentary from "experts" in this article)
Tractor Supply cuts DEI and Black farmers demand CEO resignation - Fast Tractor supply decided to reverse its inclusion and climate efforts after conservative activists voiced their opposition on social media.
If they just wanted to not spend money they could have done that, quietly. Instead they very proudly announced the shift, because it was political. The board members wanted to publicly join the bullies and shit on marginalized groups because it felt good, not because it was good for the company.
Every fucken day I see some bitch ass new account MFer log on to simp for white supremacy.
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Listen kid, If you don't want people thinking you're a white supremacist you shouldn't post like one. I ain't buying it either. You're entire bsky existence has been dedicated to dog whistling.
Just a reasonable guy with reasonable concerns who refuses to acknowledge Black people, y’know the way reasonable people do lol
Just a reasonable Harry Potter fan claiming to be neither a liberal or a coservative while reasonably claiming that profits are more important than human decency, reasonably imagining that black folks don't shop at Tractor Supply beneath an article about upset black Tractor Supply customers.
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🥱 We know who you are, kid. You told us.
They responded to a made up controversy by conservative influencers under the mistaken assumption that they represent their customers, folding like the cheapest deck chairs in the store. However, their actual customers are very diverse and do not approve of the message being sent out.
The separation between "conservative hate campaigners" and "actual customers" can be seen in the amount of hate campaigners saying they're going to buy tractors there - Tractor Supply doesn't sell tractors.
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Hmmm: “Boyd said Tractor Supply stores can be found where much of NBFA’s 130,000 members are located. Like other farmers, he said Black farmers have shopped at the chain for years.”
HMMM: “Boyd, who is also a Tractor Supply shareholder, estimated personally spending more than $10,000 at his local store since January alone — buying supplies like fencing wire and feed for his cattle and horses in Virginia”