
I cannot stress this enough: where do you think initial money for stuff comes from
You think you can get something sponsored in this space l? By who, Toonboom? They just raised prices for licenses, they don’t support independent individual productions, what are you talking about
It’s the one downside of being clear with finances and budgets and whatever is that it’s also presented in a space where people think everything about the process can be disrupted to their individual benefit and that’s not a goal, that’s just being weird
If you don’t have money to support something, it’s a short, chances are (especially with this because it looks good and should be funded) you will end up seeing it. That’s not something you can fix to see it RIGHT NOW, FOR FREE, and that makes sure the workers get paid before that’s a possibility
This has got to be the dumbest fucking take I’ve seen in a while.
And I get that it may be a kid, but the fact that it’s pretty similar to a lot of other takes by adults is upsetting
Yeah, I USED to think that. Like “oh, I bet OP is 14”. But sadly the most brain dead takes I have run into during the last couple years was from people 30+ according to their profiles. 🫠
Between this and the one producer saying “genAI is overall cheaper for animation” with his full chest lately, lot of just dumb people in that take space, so could be anyone
Yeah, unfortunately very, very true.
the same people who had those takes 14 years ago are now 30 🤔🤔🤔
🤔 might be on to something.
As a person in their 30s who's learned A LOT about animation the few years, I certainly know better. Until this year I've tried to put any ideas of getting into animation out of my head because I can't afford a team to help me and I simply can't/want to do EVERYTHING myself.
I've had my brushes with very grown up people who are deeply convinced artists should try mere photosynthesis as a way of living instead of peddling money to survive on this capitalistic system 🫠
Yeah, being a fucking idiot knows no age limit. 💀
Yeah, like in order to get either of those you need money to make something to be promoted or sponsored
They’re confusing art with influencers. I will also bet money this person has made arguments in favor of AI image generation.
Also, like, you need to get the sponsorship first anyway? It's too late to get the sponsorship when the work is already published.
I think the fool is saying that you post content, and then the sponsorships come to you to advertise on your new content you produce. And I think that’s because the fool doesn’t understand that these things have upfront costs or that people just have money to pay for all of that
Because going viral is totally a thing that happens voluntarily and all that.
Oh yeah, this braindead take. Sadly, especially since I've been involved with Lackadaisy, I see way too many people talking about things that they don't remotely have any idea about regarding animation. And they don't want to learn better, they just want to complain.
Everyone thinks they can reinvent the wheel from up on the hill, but all those solutions generally comprise of is “who are all these artists, why do they think they’re so cool and worthy of eating”
I literally got a guy /bragging/ on twitter at me about how little he pays his artists and railing me for "accountability" because I dare actually pay people to work on Lackadaisy. While saying he works in film. Took everything in my power to keep my response to one sentence and nothing else.
People out here are saying “you should be taking advantage of your team so your project makes profit for YOU” with their full chest and not getting that animation is and always will be mostly a team-based sport where the goal is that everyone survives making art
It’s this weird thing where everyone thinks line producing is “if we don’t spend this money on production, we get it back for us” and I want to say that is a hellish way to think about working on projects you should want to succeed
Anybody who's pocketing production money for themselves and not spending it on their crews, you're gonna hear grumbling from the crews. It's not gonna be from some outside party deciding based on their limited information (with often the WRONGEST math) that you're a con artist.
i mean that’s the capitalist dream right? screw or be screwed 🫠
if your concept if wealth and success is "me and nobody else" frankly i think a paucity of community respect is pathetic, but maybe im the exception
As an artist, going viral means fucking NOTHING. Lucy Bellwood made a post some time ago discussing how when one of her pieces went super viral thanks to George Tekei, it only earned her, like, $800. And zero "sponsors". Who the hell sponsors an artist?
The Financial Realities of Going Viral | Lucy Get more from Lucy Bellwood on Patreon
I'm seeing this reposted and I fear without the context of the parent post this may come off as aggressive or outraged. I'm frustrated, yeah, but not like *that.*
Apologies if I’ve had any part of that possible misconception but it’s a good point, and hopefully it’s not taken outside of your meaning
"What annoys me about independent creators is that they insist on being able to afford food and shelter"
"Why should I have to pay for content? ENTERTAIN ME"
“chatgpt will do it for free!!”
Use Chat GPT then 🤷‍♀️ This is like when I do markets for my jewelry and people are like "I can get jewelry for $5 at WalMart" ok then go to WalMart and get away from my booth
I struggled with this when I started farming because I was desperate for income. Finally I started saying to myself “that’s just not my customer.” My customer wants healthy local food at a reasonable price point. Boy does your mindset help!
I needed to know how to do this about 50 years ago but it is brilliant! It removes all responsibility for the interaction from yourself, Puts all the responsibility on them. Literally makes people own what they say.
It's hard and takes confidence that took a while for me to build up. I love that mindset!
ughhh yeah and it’s like, that price is only possible in the first place because of massive exploitation that’s been largely invisiblized to you. (same with gen AI)
It's brilliant though. I wish I'd known it before. *That is not my customer.* It's important that people understand that a handmade item is valuable for the fact that it is handmade. Also though yes Walmart shoppers are not our customers. I do dislike the American marketplace pretty intensely. 😭✌️☺️
"Just go viral, how hard could it be?"
"It's one viral short, Michael, how much could it cost? $10?"
And they would complain if the free content showed disruptive sponsored parts.
This is what gets me. Absolutely who in their right goddamned mind wants to be beholden to advertising that restricts creativity and pisses the community off anyway?