Dr. Chance Bonar

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Dr. Chance Bonar


Tufts postdoc & Harvard affiliate | researching ancient slavery & early Christianity | cat dad | 🏳️‍🌈

Described as “frightening,” “stunning,” and “knowledgeable about how the world will end.” Hire me
Y’all notice a distinction between Baylor’s qualifications for a classics dept job (left) vs. a religion dept job (right)???
Looks like I’ll be heading to SCS for the first time to talk about slave revolts & religious knowledge! 🏺
If you’re in the Boston area, come see the Harvard Art Museums installation I curated in the ancient Egypt room (3rd floor) on seeking out divine answers in late ancient Egypt, feat. the Gospel of the Lots of Mary! 🏺
(Basically) final proofs are in for Authorial Fictions and Attributions in the Ancient Mediterranean — all that’s left is publication 🎉
Meanwhile, the _contingent faculty_ of Columbia and Barnard have now set up a soup kitchen to feed the 100s of Columbia students, most not involved in the protests at all, who can't access their own dining halls because Columbia closed down the campus to people who don't live full-time on campus.
Leadership matters. This is Yale in 1970 during the Black Panther trials when thousands of demonstrators were in town. Yale President Kingman Brewster opened up the university to feed and care for the protesters and their families. It can be different.
Gonna have to say, that’s a “yes” from me, dog.
I am very fucking tired of the contention that "no one believed in the abolition of slavery in antiquity." We don't know that! In fact, we cannot know that! The absence of evidence is not conclusive!
“Teachers must stand with their students. In some cases, that may mean some of the bravest acts possible. But it doesn’t have to mean that. It can mean much smaller acts. Give students extensions. Fight administration attempts to academically punish. Be kind when grading.” With @profgabriele.com.
Opinion: Student protests are what created the university as we know it | CNNwww.cnn.com Seeing current campus protests unfold is a reminder that solidarity between protesting students and their teachers in medieval Europe was the origin of the modern-day university, write historians Davi...
You don't get to say 'we regret that the protesters escalated' and 'community safety is our top priority' when the protesters are students who haven't hurt anybody and your response was calling in, like, a hundred unaccountable guys with guns
Opening the gates and "flood of police in riot gear ostensibly coming in" to Columbia, reports WKCR right now, marching through Columbia's campus
One of my sons is at Emory, where the "outside agitators" they arrested all ended up being students or profs. Got a lovely cringing e-mail from the administration claimed they'd been fooled and didn't really want to shoot students with rubber bullets.
They have locked down and blacked out and emptied out and sent a shelter in place and I want to know if they are going to kill my students tonight and try to hide it
Listening to WKCR (Columbia student radio). Columbia admin has called a massive NYPD invasion of the campus. Massive numbers of police in riot gear - what an utter and complete failure of the administration. What a joke to claim you are in the business of education.
Absolutely in awe of the reporting from Columbia students on this live stream t.co/Lx3FNp1EBI
WKCR 89.9FM NYt.co
Faculty Statement on Imminent Police Action at Columbia University The American Association of University Professors, Columbia University Chapter For immediate release: April 30, 2024, 8:00pm
“I sent you to Harvard for the prestige the degree confers and to firm a network of rich and powerful friends, not for you to learn about why I might be an asshole” is an unfortunately common complaint
That's what's clear from the NY Mag profile: Ackman's pissed that he sent his daughter to Harvard, and she has a brain of her own and she doesn't think he's a genius or that capitalism rocks simply because Daddy's a billionaire. He's so angry lololololol
"In my nearly 40 years as a faculty member, I have never seen such brazen cruelty toward students and faculty, such cowardice before what amounts to a right-wing witch hunt, and such blatant dishonesty." Robin D. G. Kelley to Columbia President Minouche Shafik: www.bostonreview.net/articles/let...
Letter to Columbia President Minouche Shafik - Boston Reviewwww.bostonreview.net You are keeping no one safe, except for your donors, trustees, and the university’s endowment.
Regular University Brain: Camping here is against the rules but go off (non-violently, til we tell you to stop) Solar University Brain: Camping feels anti-Semitic, we're making a bunch of cops come and hit you Chicago Galaxy Brain: ETYMOLOGICALLY, CAMPING IS VIOLENCE
lmao my nerd alma mater. tents are violence
Millions of high schoolers had their senior years upended by Covid in 2020. Four years later, as universities attempt to shut down or contain widespread pro-Palestinian protests, many of those same students may have their commencements canceled again. nyti.ms/4aPQs2J
Dearest apocrypha lovers, please join us this upcoming Friday, May 3rd at 12EDT for our next First Fridays Workshop! This month will feature exciting work from @sarahparkhouse.bsky.social on P.Oxy.5577 and the Gospel of Mary. See you there!
The fault line in the current analysis of campus crackdowns lies between those who see them as somehow contradictory or a betrayal of the neoliberal university, and those who recognize that they are the logical end and fullest expression of academic capitalism.