Chelsea O'Brien

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Chelsea O'Brien

Higher ed. Community College. Belonging in higher ed. Grower of things. I used to run a tutoring center now I do student success stuff. PhD student. She/her. Views my own.
This is a really excellent thread well-worth reading, and thank you to Kari for doing the work of breaking this down.
"We did this with photography and digital art, AI is no different". People keep saying this, without having any idea what they are actually saying. I'm going to elaborate on this, from an "I actually studied art history" standpoint.
Hey, assholes, maybe sit and examine your expectations before you decide a *known subject matter expert* is “haughty” for declining to explain again, to you, personally, the intricacies of their field to a degree that you find satisfying.
Tl;Dr - the next time you decide to describe the tone of a *well known subject matter expert* who is “incidentally” a woman as “shrill” or “conceited”, sit down and think long and hard about your life. (I lied. This was more than three things. I’m sick of people seeing us as fair game.)
something that comes up pretty frequently with my coaching clients: there is something about the particular difficulty/challenge of writing that is actually part of what you like about this work. It is frustrating in the moment, but intellectual challenge is part of what drew you to academia.
I’m researching a new article on leave practices/policies in higher ed (including paid time off, parental leave, FMLA, and bereavement leave). If you have an experience (positive or negative) and are willing to share it with me, I’d love to hear your story.
I don’t think we can ever cleanse the timeline again but regardless, here is Cookie. Dogs are the best people.
This made me giggle Earlier today, husband critiqued a commercial for something. I looked at him, paused, and said "we're a lot of fun at parties"
Yeah, I like to party, why?
This week's chapter is "AI and the universal design for learning guidelines" and whooo boy do I have feelings
My dad's emotions are just all over the place. He called me tonight hyper, like a teenager, and he rambles and asks questions and then it's like he really needs to pee and just ends the call "ok, I'll let you go, bye!!"
i have been, and will continue to say this
Almost all of my ads on insta are for underwear. Is the internet trying to tell me something?
Me, to husband: I need help, I dropped a potato... On the... Ground of the oven
I was going to mow the garden paths but after like 2" of rain, I don't think that's smart today.
I remember reading those okcupid trends briefs and the one on race made clear I would likely need to just be chill with the likelihood of being alone
my decision to quit online dating remains one of the best things I've ever done lol I'll just stay single forever thanks
An item on my list: pay the dentist bill This requires: - calling the office - providing my information - providing a credit card number OR mailing a check AND also depositing the check I received from insurance. My mobile app isn't accepting the check and I just want this thing off of my list.
Canned fruits and jams remind me of jewels. They're so bright and happy and full of summer sun.
I mean, we needed some rain. I don't know if we needed all of this rain and then more tomorrow.
Friday's email: your portion of the project looks good! Monday (my vacation day): can people work on this? Everyone one else is done Tuesday: Yes, people have been working on this in a separate spreadsheet no one has ever shared with you. We're gonna send an email to say the project is done.
I got up early this remote Tuesday to get raspberry jam started. As always, berry-based jam take longer for me than whatever recipe I'm using. For whatever reason they take forever to thicken for me. So I'm just stirring and waiting.
If your "skip takeout on Saturday night" recipe/video involves me fileting *anything* you've probably lost me. If it's a take out night, it's a take out night for a reason. I'll filet on Tuesday, maybe.
Similarly I wonder if they thought of writing any episodes with dialogue instead of hoping overwrought soundtracks over tortured montages of actors staring vaguely into the middle distance would serve the entirety of their character development goals
I wonder if the writers for the bear thought at any time about telling a story this season with a beginning middle and end. Even just once.
It might be hot and humid but raspberry jam is on the docket for tomorrow because I'm literally running out of room to store and eat then otherwise
This approaching lightning storm is absolutely wild
I probably can guess but also didn't want to know why a certain guy is all over my timeline
Know of a great dissertation on employment-related issues (or maybe you wrote one!)? The deadline for the Upjohn Institute's dissertation award is July 21. More details at
Experiencing an outage. Team is working on it.
Cleaning out my home office desk is revealing artifacts from a previous life (one I miss, especially my friendships)