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39yo AMAB enbybot. Minors and porn aggregator bots will get blocked.
I dunno. I've been seeing bags of jellybeans with no black, and... yeah, that makes me worry. (licorice jellybean is best jellybean)
Am I the weirdo for going to Al Jazeera for this?
"Drop Frog Bear Rise"? ...probably not as funny given the circumstances and lack of joke context.
This reminds me of something I saw about why most classic Classical composers are from what would become Germany. Somebody in a German university figured out they could keep people from questioning their Top 10 List if they framed it as "classics."
Wasn't that the whole point of No Child Left Behind and Common Core? At least at the high school level.
Avatar is? Not saying you're wrong, but it's the first time I've heard that particular take.
Their Russian funding ran out because of the sanctions over Ukraine. (sarcasm, possibly)
Nobody would've voted for a convicted felon in 2003 (or '04, the next major election), and the Republicans would've gotten creamed if they'd tried.
My parents were like that. Religious education is the *public* justification. In private? "We're spending all this money so you don't have to go to a public school that's been dumbed down for the..." (you can probably guess the next word).
Robbits, someone with cool guns, and... an elf in fantasy garb. Must be Shadowrun.
...I still don't think I ever heard about this one. Where I was, Donald was still pretty much exiled from Disney thanks to DuckTales.
Dunno, I'll still need a Santa Cruz to pull the camper. But a Del Slo wouldn't be too bad for cruising around town. Not how it'd compare to my old Miata, though.
PP is def a better ship with Charlie. The problem is, it's also pretty out- of- character for the global Peanuts- verse.
Lucky. I only know back to the UK on my dad's side (my 2x great grandfather, who was an officer of artillery). Mom's, it's a confusing mess that allegedly goes back to the Regicides. But I only know for sure going back that way to my great grandfather.
Honestly, "iMac" was about as unlikely as you could get in '98. Everything else had been a model line plus a three- digit or four- digit number since the first Quadras. Today? Anything with "Macintosh" spelled out in full.
dA's age policy, last I saw it, is truly stupid.
Just like the Republicans on this side of the pond. The NRA got caught laundering Russian money and the guy who talked Comey into re-opening the email investigation was a Russian operative.
Agreed, I don't buy it either. And I've got some other concerns about the founder- tldr she recently won a lawsuit (admittedly in the EU) that makes me wonder if she has much of a concept of fair use.
Yeap, The '80s was Reagan, and the "family values" everyone harked back to were of highly sanitized post- McCarthy film and TV he acted in. Everyone working toward diversity had gotten blacklisted thanks to those two FBI agents.
Awright, sit down next to the succubus and start painting Warhammer 40k miniatures. I've got 2000 points of small- bug Tyranids that aren't going to paint themselves.
Britney vs. a monster. Good thing she's got that fancy new sword! ..wait, there's something odd about it. #notai #notaigenerated #fantasy #art #sword&sorcery #magic
Reposted byAvatar Cherry💣Bot
Weird. I must've accidentally deleted that notes pack? Because this actually gives me some way to characterize the other half of the MC. Wanting to feel himself getting buried in the chest of the guy who made him, and being angry/vengeful in general because that guy died centuries ago.
*finds a scrap in the plot bunny file* Ooh, this is juicy. Probably also resentful of the fact that you have to have sex with him to attune, *and* he's (thus far) the only caster- optimized sword. So everyone's going to be trying to *ahem* you get the idea.
Yes, that would've been me right there. 100% expecting a trick question and overthought it.
Yeap, I do art. Just haven't been feeling it recently. Kinda flopped. Maybe I need to start playing WOW again, or something.
Sexually Suggestive
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Weird. Another game with a Mac release that I never saw in the computer stores. Still wonder what the hell was up with that.
This is good. I'd prefer something that'd take it closer back to 7.5.x with Aaron, or just OS 8/9, but this is still good.
If you liked system 6 & 7, and fuzzy light grey modern macOS annoys you, try Preferences->Accessibility->Display, and turn on Increase Contrast. It took me just half an hour to not find it jarring and now I really dislike going back to the field-of-fog regular UI. Here it is on Ventura.
*downloads some of the cell props*