Chris Brody

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Chris Brody

Music theorist and pianist at University of Louisville, he/him
A day at the beach: sure, you’ll probably have a couple hours of fun when all is said and done … but at what cost?????
4-year-old: Daddy! Can we play the game where I ask you to play with me and you say no?? Me: No!
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My daughter just sang "hoisted by your own petard" to the Menard's jingle
Reposted byAvatar Chris Brody
Oh wait no the one that has a permanent vacation home in my head is this amazing tweet/bit
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
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I know it’s the internet, but still seeing a remarkable number of people who are absolutely certain what will come next if various nearly or actually unprecedented things happen.
This thread is great literature
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
Went down to just a mustache today and have attained my final dad form. My wife can’t look at me without bursting out laughing. I’ve told her I understand this will take several months to get used to and that’s okay.
It has to be from the Champaign region of Illinois, otherwise it’s just sparkling Urbana
Reposted byAvatar Chris Brody
this newspaper headline is the 1930 version of encountering an incomprehensible trending story about some Twitch streamer with 4 million followers
My only contribution to this is that my parents were old-school West Coast vegetarians before American vegetarian food was good, and my mom frequently made something called “tofu pie” which was the type specimen of that style of cooking but which was, indeed, not good
the most interesting food topic that I don't see us ask each other about enough is the flagship foods of our people that the world goes ape over but we can't stand personally. Ok I'll admit whats already got me disowned several times, I think the samosa is a fundamentally mediocre preparation
Reposted byAvatar Chris Brody
RECORD COMPANY GUY: great stuff, guys. that's terrific. hey mark on this next one, just for fun, what if you tried not singing like a doll that was being electrocuted MARK MOTHERSBAUGH: nnnOoOoooOoo
Reposted byAvatar Chris Brody
Chartreuse monks of France: we will distill the world's finest herbal liqueur Trappist monks of Belgium: we will brew the world's greatest beer Benedictine monks of England: we came up with a juice that makes you explode
That's a weird label for a bottle of Bucky (For those who don't know, Buckfast is blackcurrant wine that's 14.8% alcohol and has 90mg of caffeine per 5oz. This bottle is the size of a can of Coke and has 210mg of caffeine compared to 32mg in a can of Coke plus the alcohol of 4 glasses of wine)
I have downloaded MULTIPLE wodehouse novels onto my phone for every time today I feel like reading words on a screen
today is a day for staying off the internet
The ground-rule double should be changed so that a runner on first scores
Valparaiso U. has closed its art museum and is trying to sell off some valuable pieces. This is prohibited by the gift agreement, but their legal claim is that the gift was to buy "conservative" art and therefore these paintings, not being conservative, should never have been bought with those funds
Valparaiso University closes museum and moves ahead with selling from the Valparaiso University has closed its Brauer Museum of Art and dismissed the director, Jonathan Canning, as part of an administrative restructuring ann
Lately some stores around here are understaffed even to the point that self-check lanes are closed because there's no one to monitor them, so you have to wait in line for self-check, whose one virtue EVER was that you don't have to wait in line
rare to admit on the internet, but i am a fairly extroverted, gregarious person, i enjoy (briefly and respectfully) shooting the shit with workers wherever i go and i fucking loathe self checkout denying me that
Back on my Medtner bullshit and, as always, I love this polyrhythm (implicitly 9-against-8) from the coda of the G minor sonata (the asterisk is for a footnote that says you should learn this rhythm by cheating—I'm not convinced this is a good way to get to the correct version)
Country, rap, yacht rock: all good, actually
“I like all genres of music except for country and rap” is a wildly insane (and incorrect) thing to say made even more ridiculous when you realize that “yacht rock” is a category they could have cited
Reposted byAvatar Chris Brody
attn scholarly organizations, this is now considered best practice
Reposted byAvatar Chris Brody
I feel like this should be more than an opinion
When I was like 5, I asked my mom: "Are these all the same note?" and I sang Fig. 1, but I was thinking Fig. 2. This should have been an extreme warning sign to her that I was going to wind up a music theorist.
Since this amazing song was written by pre-outlaw Willie Nelson, I looked up his original 1962 recording of it and it was so boring I nearly fell asleep standing up. I’d post a link but I don’t want to be responsible for any motor vehicle accidents
I was at the Cincinnati Reds game today, the Red Sox were the visiting team, and honestly please ban Boston fans from all non-Fenway ballparks
I’m at a coffee shop where a woman ordered a large ice water and is now eating a package of uncooked linguine noodles
Reposted byAvatar Chris Brody
This law is of course unconstitutional under Stone v Graham but passed purposely to give the Fifth Circuit an opportunity to ignore it, triggering Supreme Court review and Stone’s overrule.
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms.
I was an undergrad at Northwestern during the heyday of Bailey’s “Human Sexuality” course (years before the “incident” and when the whole thing had a somewhat less lurid vibe) and the number of students he had parroting his views as if they were settled science is really astounding to think back on
New Maintenance Phase is up
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In the later 18th century, composers aren't thinking as much in terms of the minuet qua dance, so the lack of an upbeat stops being a crucial feature—plenty of classical minuets have a quarter-note upbeat, but even there I think the downbeat onset is the archetype.
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Downbeat! In the Baroque, where the minuet originates, it essentially always begins on the downbeat. As long as composers are writing them in conceptual contact with the danced minuet, upbeats are very rare (and are only an eighth note—a quarter note would de-align grouping and metrical structure).
Jon Miller is spending the entire SF Giants broadcast telling stories about Willie Mays
I literally went away to college with a list of pieces of music I’d always been curious about but had had no realistic way of ever hearing, and then spent afternoons in the music library at listening carrels just making my way through the list
i hate to have one of these at all but my big "WE DRANK FROM THE HOSE" opinion is that people younger than millennials really can't imagine what coming of age in a time of media scarcity meant - like, I would read about records and movies and not actually be able to see them for YEARS