
It's a two-box day at SCOTUS, so we are expecting between two and four decisions.
First decision is Grants Pass. Gorsuch has the 6-3 opinion finding that the Eighth Amendment does not bar "generally applicable" laws banning public camping. Sotomayor writes the dissent.
The Grants Pass law, as Sotomayor made clear in dissent, went further, banning public sleeping with any covering, so much as a blanket, even when no other options are available. This is a very troubling ruling.
Sotomayor looks to the "near future" for different action from the court:
After Gorsuch read extensively from his opinion, Sotomayor is reading from her dissent. "Sleep is a biological necessity," she begins, "not a crime."
she's correct; so sick of this cruel court
Ah, but cruelty is part of our history and tradition.
I’m tempted to move to a two seater bench in Grants Pass. Where will the homeless go once the jail is full?
Jails will never be "full" where jails are run for profit.
Oregon already don’t have for profit jails.
Do they lend workers out to for-profit institutions? Because publicly run prisons often support profit institutions.
This may not be the case for that particular state, but prisons are also notorious for making bank off prisoners by charging them extortionate fees for all their communication needs, because it's not like prisoners have a choice.
They also abolished slavery too. So yeah. I don’t think “lending workers” is quite the same thing. Since you know job experience is actually pretty important to rehabilitation. And a lot of people would prefer to keep those things.
I'm not going to argue about systems I don't know about. But philosophically, if a for-profit institution gets prison labor by some mechanism at a rate lower than the open labor market, that creates a perverse incentive. No matter how you slice it.
New Zealand’s new right wing austerity minded government is in the process of setting up private prisons in NZ. The “profit institutions” the effort to privatize seems most to benefit are the corporate friends of government ministers.
They’ll always find funds for more jails unfortunately
Not in Grants Pass they won't. When I lived down that way, the Sheriff's Office was practically non-existent because the citizens of Josephine County wouldn't vote for the tax to keep it open.
I’m sure you’re right about the situation in Grants Pass but even if you weren’t my point is there are limits on how much noncompliance even totalitarian autocracies can absorb. I feel like we’re sneaking up on some sort of tipping point.
Any idea if Alito is present? I'd heard he was MIA last week, I think, but I have noted any follow up.
Sadly, I think if he was still missing, people would be talking about it more. Ah, well.
Kinda what I figured. But I'll continue to hope that he's going to create an involuntary vacancy for Biden to fill before the election.
Yeah, what with that interesting term limit the Justices have, and all... what was it again? hm.