
So much on the line in this election, but the *most* important stakes of this election is who’s going to be able to tell who “I told you so.”
people are still getting in “I told you so” from bush v gore, this one will live for decades
Real haters know that the 1980 Democratic primary is where the action is.
Must have been somewhere in the 90s when a relatively young person blindsided me with 1960, JFK, and Cook County.
Dinner parties for NYT columnists with Supreme Court Justices and their flag wives *will* be on the line
I don’t even know what to tell people tonight so I’m out of the running
Wel do know that being an 82 year old whose last debate was four years ago is probs gonna lead to disaster. If Biden had been primaried and forced to respond to, say, Gavin Newsom, at least he'd be prepped. Election campaigns exist for a reason - besides making $$$ for campaign consultants.
Interesting, wow. My hunch based on nothing is that no amount of prep would’ve helped vs Trump’s fire hose of bs. Idk. Likely wishful thinking, but a silver lining I see is maybe this’ll be the only debate, and if so, it’s out of the way early. Nowhere to go but up over these next four months!
Trump has always been a firehose. If Biden's peeps thought he wouldn't be, they are truly fucked. It is like not being able to beat a comedy routine that has been around 30 years. Dems picked the one candidate who cannot even make the joker look like a joke. Pathetic wishful thinking.
Let's say this: If the felon with dementia wins, there won't be anyone there to say anything, without getting executed
It’s reminiscent of the “sky is falling” Left when Fetterman froze up in his debate.
The left elected Fetterman you dipshit. And look how that's gone.
He won by 5 so I’d say it’s gone great.
You're welcome, Blue Republican
There are still skirmishes being fought on the "I Told You So" fields from 2014 lol
People are acting like they never seen biden's oatmeal brain before. This was apparent in 2020. The fact the DNC and den establishment tried this without real primary candidates should be a lesson for them.
Joe. Biden. Has. Always. Been. A. Fucking. Idiot.
How come know one noticed Trump’s tie was an upside down Windsor? Just saying.
bothered me so much. was wondering the whole time if somebody in wardrobe tried to strangle him but gave up because the neck fat provided too much protection
He clearly isn’t managing his own tie.
There are still people who insist Clinton was a great candidate.
It's people on the left. It's almost always people on the left. We warn people constantly about what isn't working, what's going to happen, & get screamed at for it. Liberals tore Jon Stewart apart when even he dared bring up Biden's age. Democrats are consistently warned & consistently shocked.
Exactly. Who looked at this debate and said, “And now I think Trump should be president”?
That and the women dead of sepsis. Oh wait, also an I told you so.
We are about to see a peaceful transfer of power as Biden ends his campaign with dignity and decorum and hands it over to Harris. It takes a big man to know when it is time to give others their turn. Joe will put America first because that is who he is, a honorable man to his core.
He’s a stubborn old fool who doesn’t listen to advice he doesn’t want to hear.
I was referring to Biden, not the convicted felon who ignores the advice of his own lawyers.
The guy who has a moral duty to resign so the second guy doesn’t win, yes, him.
Ending his campaign is not the same thing as resigning from the presidency.
Either sounds great right now. I’d think Harris has a better shot running as an incumbent but I’ll defer to others on that specific question.
I didn't think Biden looked that bad. What's the trouble, bubble? 😂😂😂
I think the biggest issue is not that Biden performed badly. It’s what that could mean. Floridian christo fascist MAGAS roaming America culling Americans they don’t like. With the support of a Trump federal government and a suspended US Constitution. And there are a lot of us.
Are the christo fascists going to kill us all? When will they come for us?
Will Republicans lock democrats up in cages if they win? I think that’s the question.
Are you referring to the immigration camps or the mass arrests of student protestors?
Will Republicans make us all wear the letter D. for Democrat now to identify us? Or M for murderer if we’ve had an abortion. Or G for Gay?
but what will the Hillary people do if someone else takes over their shtick? it's all they have left
Was expecting The Mount of Olives Rhetorical, perhaps we should look upon ourselves. Should anyone above 65 Be President, Don't thunder, just ponder Most European leaders are much younger. Dictators much older Hmmmm.. Reading is Fundamental.
Ranks well below "Get over it!" for me.
Trump shit his pants at 116:40.
To be clear — love Ezra! Much like Ian Malcolm, doubt he’s thrilled about the approaching tyrant lizard
I'm cashing in some i told you so's from 2020! granted, a little later than i expected, but that's why you buy low and sell high
When the stakes are this high and some of us have been saying this was a problem for a long time and we feel powerless, it's really all we have. If people with real power believed the stakes were high they would have given us a better candidate.