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Amateur astrophotographer, immature TTRPG gamer with The AARPG Podast, science enthusiast, and a whole mess of intestines and other squidgy bits. @speerwerfer on the bird site circling the drain.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
The right is now having its own meltdown because Trump can’t make becoming Hitler his official campaign stance
In a world full of, be a Münchener Post.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Mr. Trump is the biggest traitor in American history. He’s a delusional psychopath. He’s a narcissistic maniac. He’s a criminal conman. He’s a cheater. He’s a coward. He’s a fascist. He’s a moron. He’s a rapist. He’s a racist. He’s a loser. He’s a liar. Vote Blue.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
A Trump win based on a Leftist boycott WOULD teach the Democrats a lesson. The lesson they would learn is that there are votes available to their right, but there are no votes available to their left. They will learn this lesson quickly, and do the logical thing given those incentives.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
I'm a literal journalist who has lived through a lot of history. The way you "send a message" is through organizing, protesting, voting in primaries, advocating, donating, not donating, etc. What you do on presidential-election day is CHOOSE WHO WILL BE IN POWER. It's not for messaging.
Two of the best totality pictures I got of the #eclipse as seen through the thin, high clouds of Mazatlán. Shot at focal length of 200mm.
My favourite pic from the #SolarEclipse as seen from our visit to #Mazatlan Mexico. #2024Eclipse #Eclipse
Nothin', just a pretty sunset in Mazatlán.
If the skies stay like this Monday, it'll be perfect. If they don't, at least there are 3 bars within 10 paces, and it's an all inclusive resort.
Tomorrow, we hop on a plane and begin our journey to Mazatlán for a much needed vacation AND A CHANCE TO SEE TOTALITY DURING A SOLAR ECLIPSE, Y'ALL. I mean, sure, we're stopping to see the daughter and grandkids first, too, which I suppose is also cool...
Reposted byAvatar Chris
i’m on the mend from surgery, but not in enough pain or on enough drugs not to be furious. nex deserves better. if you’re as pissed as i am & can spare it, give to the folks in oklahoma helping lgbtq2s kids marooned there. there should be someone to help us when adults decide we don’t deserve it.
Wow. The Tulsa District Attorney will not file any charges against the minors who assaulted Nex Benedict in a school bathroom the day before he died. They called the altercation "an instance of mutual combat."
Charges won't be filed in connection with Nex Benedict's death, Tulsa County DA The Tulsa County District Attorney's Office will not file charges in connection with the death of 16-year-old nonbinary Owasso High School student Nex Benedict.
Freedom Freedom Oklahoma
In the US election in November, your only realistic options are to get a little closer to the America you want, or a LOT further from it. Black women in particular consistently make the right choice. Will you? Or will you throw it and the rest of us away for your vanity?
I want to complain about taxes, but it's less the amount that's the problem, and more the time spent figuring it out, coupled with the lump sum payment and having to guess each year how much extra the govt should withhold per paycheck to spread it out and cover the balance.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Crime is down. Inflation is down. Border crossings are down. Everything Republicans want you to be scared of is a lie. They are gaslighting you. They have nothing. No policies. No solutions. They are totally unfit. Vote them all out. Vote Blue.
I worked on my garden tractor today! I want to move to a place where I don't need a tractor. Or afford someone to cut the grass in my yard for me.
I just sent an international wire transfer, and I feel like a competent grown adult human who is responsible and conducting international business transactions. It's all a lie, of course.
Buffalo cauliflower bites are not anywhere near as good as actual buffalo wings. But they're not bad, TBH.
I ❤️ the inventor of the heated steering wheel. That is all.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Huh...a ladybug on a wall 12' away, with a mobile phone camera. Science, man.
Don't ask me why I speak French to just ONE of my chinchillas, and the other two get English. I JUST DO. And one of those two gets royal English. Him being a king and all.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Reposted byAvatar Chris
It's so weird to me how this doesn't seem to spark much urgency in the media. Widespread misconceptions mean you're not doing your job! Not everything has to be "news" in the sense of a novel event, we've got to figure out how to remind people of background conditions..
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Reposted byAvatar Chris
I feel a lot of people keep waiting for the "first" woman to die because of Dobbs. But multiple women have already died because of it. It's just not reported.
How to Report Post-Dobbs The New Yorker reports that a woman has died—so why not call it what it is?