Chris Why

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Chris Why

Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
A stunning statement from the American Association of University Professors, Barnard and Columbia Chapters. “We have lost confidence in our president and administration, and we pledge to fight to reclaim our university.”
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
you don't have to be a dad to ask a teenager how their genshin is being impacted, but it definitely doesn't hurt
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
Something I keep harping on: sidewalk snow clearance is, in large part, an equity issue. There are neglectful building owners all over the city, but absentee vacant property stewardship in disinvested communities pushes more pedestrians into the street on snowy days than in other parts of town.
Days like today are the perfect example of why we’ve fought for municipal sidewalk snow and ice removal. Leaving it up to property owners means the job doesn’t get done, and an uncoordinated response means snow piles up at corners. There is a better way: #PlowTheSidewalks!
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
If you want a vision of the future,
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
had a suddenly obsessive thought and had to make it real
I think we should slot the country into the lake. It would be very satisfying
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing
this is exactly why i still buy discs in 2023. it's crazy to think that we are reaching a point where piracy will be the only option to own media once dvds and blu-rays are gone.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
do you ever read a phrase like “big bicycle are the trans people of traffic” and have your eyes roll so far back into your skull you can see your own brains
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
NEW EPISODE! Bestselling author Steven Johnson joins us to mark the hundredth anniversary of the invention of leaded gasoline and tell the cautionary tale of its inventor, Thomas Midgley, Jr. Episode 112: "Unintended Consequences with Steven Johnson," is here:
Reposted byAvatar Chris Why
Quick reminder that it’s always good to block content-theft accounts called things like “dogs” or “cats” or “amazing_pictures” or whatever because they do nothing but propagate uncredited work stolen from other people and make the internet worse! 🫠
Avatar your twitter profile link to here is broken fyi
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