
First off, massive CW on this link, it makes for incredibly depressing reading but Jo Maugham has done a fantastic thread For all the talk of the Cass Review leading to an inquiry, this is the real story, heads should roll after this, these people should be hounded out of the public sphere forever
Thread by @JolyonMaugham on Thread Reader @JolyonMaugham: I have now seen further evidence that, since the Bell decision in the High Court (1 December 2020), there has been a huge increase in deaths of young trans people on the NHS waiting li...
Predicted, predictable, should be a national scandal, won’t be mentioned by any UK media, my blood boils and my heart weeps
The political interference in medical matters, and for transgender treatment very particularly, is entirely unethical and highly immoral.
The likes of Badenoch, who seems to have been the primary motivator for these ideological approaches within the dying Tory administration, need to face the music for what in effect have become criminal actions as they know their ideology results in deaths.
I remain convinced a whole chunk of gender critterdom don't think there are any real world consequences for their actions. The replies to that thread have the usual "they need more therapy, not drugs", while not understanding there is no therapy any more, they've got it all closed down more or less
It's why Duffield, etc, rolled their eyes at Blackman. They just don't want to believe the evidence and prefer to just hold onto their ideology that strict, narrow, rigid cis society is perfect for everyone. We know otherwise, and the evidence needs to come out.
What I always think about is how there is likely a person in their family or friend circle who is going through so, so, much, but has to stay silent, because someone they may have grown up or got along with, essentially wants them out of sight, out of mind, and don't care what that actually entails.
And real actual therapy that's not bullying people into line would reveal that surprise, they do know who they are and what they need
I think they are fighting this culture war to try and protect the impunity of privilege that they are used to enjoying
Wes Streeting needs to walk into his new office on the 5th of July to find 1000 letters about this on his desk reminding him that he will be responsible for any further deaths if he does not reinstate access to gender care for young people
It needs to threaten to become a scandal that could directly impact his career, or he simply will not care enough to act.
He will have someone in his office issue a bland statement with buzzwords, but then will block any followup. He's already indicates what he thinks of trans people, and unfortunately he's not the only one in Labour right now, so he's not going feel too at risk.
I fear you are right but I hope you're not
I would honestly, truly, love to be wrong about Streeting and Labour, on a lot of things, I really would. But nothing they're doing or saying has given me hope that things will change after July. Duffield and Streeting sadly aren't outliers.
This is so fucking sad. Those poor kids.
Its heartbreaking. I feel so sorry for them
It’s so unnecessarily cruel, particularly when you look at other countries’ approaches. We are so reactionary it’s a joke.
I keep thinking about the trans/NB kids I know (especially Eldest) and how they’re just good kids who don’t deserve to be demonised
They should also be believed. We say to kids "you can be anything you want", so when they want to be their real self, why are we not happy for them? (As a society: it's pretty clear where you are on this)
First the Bell case, then the Tavistock itself closed to new patients, in favour of regional clinics, only 2 of which have yet opened. When the first one opened, they contacted patients using deadnames. Latest letter said this year they would be seeing people who went on the Tavistock list in 2019
How many people just age out of being trans youth at all, with not even a preliminary appointment?
Absolutely horrifying. Especially the caseload numbers at the end. It appears the goal has been to totally end trans healthcare for years and it's working as planned. Good god.
That chart is so shocking, it's so callous and deliberate 😡
Wtf else did they think would happen?
Fuck, all those poor kids. You're right, there should be literal fucking heads on spikes over this.