
hard to overstate the bravery of American Jews taking a stand on behalf of ceasefire in Gaza today, on the Tree of Life anniversary, opening themselves up to both antisemitic attacks blaming them for violence they don’t support, and anger from within their own communities for criticizing Israel
like everyone else has been saying, it’s unlikely that it will be as big a news story in the morning as it should, because it forces both media and the US government to reckon with a way more complicated narrative than they’ve seemed to want so far, but it’s still important to acknowledge I think
And putting their bodies at risk with the nypd while it and the city is led by a man who it's increasingly clear is very close to an evangelical in his religious beliefs
Depressing that there are a couple of people in the comments who decided this was the time to tell these people they were protesting the deaths of civilians wrong.
It's pretty fucked-up that asking for a ceasefire leads to such a fear of retribution.
No kidding, I cannot imagine the emotional and mental batterings they've been taking because of all this.
I am very thankful they want my cousin to survive this mess. I worry about him since I no longer hear from him, but people protesting gives me hope he will live and I might hear from him someday.
The protest was JVP, which issues statements accusing all Zionists of being white supremacists who are complicit in opposing reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights. They deny political space to liberal Jews who oppose the policies of the Israeli govt but also support Israel’s right to exist.
When JVP faces a backlash against such statements they play the victim card of being oppressed because U.S. Jews won’t allow any dissent on Israel. Bullshit. They weaken social justice movements by banning any support for a Jewish state, like the fiasco at the Dyke March
Was The Chicago Dyke March Controversy A Misunderstanding, Or Something Worse? Jews at the Chicago Dyke March were made to leave after waving flags with Stars of David: misunderstanding or anti-Semitism?
They say that Zionist Jews in America are no better than the gunman who massacred Jews at the Tree of Life Synagogue. That’s not a brave political position, that’s a disgrace.
That protest was HUGE. It may have been organized by JVP, but it looks like many other Jews also oppose Israel’s response to the atrocities.
If you show up at a JVP event protesting the policies of the Israeli government but carrying an Israeli flag, they will tell you to leave. They care more about their own ideology than about building a broad coalition for peace.
You need to go over to that other site where you can talk shit with impunity
I’m speaking facts. These demonstrations could be larger if it weren’t for their “No Zionists Allowed” policy. An effective peace movement thrives on coalitions of diverse people who share a common goal. But JVP rejects potential allies who don’t adhere to their ideology.
Bro the problem isn't Judaism, it's Zionism & a colonial mindset. ADL defines any acts of anti-zionism as antisemitism and they get carte blanche to speak for the Jewish community on MSM. I don't blame JVP for drawing a line.
Just asking. Do you think that Zionists are concerned about the negative effects of Israeli policy on Palestinians? (Broad brush, I know) If unconcerned, it would be legit to discourage participation.
I appreciate this. I posted on FB to support the ceasefire and I've already been called a traitor to the Jewish people by a member of my own shul. So Shabbat's going *great*.
Easy to call for a ceasefire if you aren’t effected by the Hamas terror
Just two questions. What makes him an expert? What should Israel do instead? Waiting when and in wich skill Hamas find it speaking to kill more Jews?
Israel should do what Netanyahu abandoned a long time ago, which is a genuine peace process with the Palestinians by engagement with the Palestinian Authority.
Netanyahu came into power because Hamas and Hisbolah never complied with Camp David 1 and 2. Israel had made huge concessions to them. But those can never be enough if your only goal is to whipe Israel of of the face of earth.
I don’t know where you got that history — it’s totally wrong.
They have a point and be demonstrating courage even if their ultimate point isn’t the best policy for Israel.
That the war will claim many innocent lives.
Tell that to Hamas. They already killed 1400
come on bud, you gotta know that could be retorted with “Tell that to the IDF, they already killed 7000” it’s a pointless game. Neither of these statements change the reality of masses of innocent dead, nor can they act as a justification for them
I missed the rally in Grand Central because I took a different entrance and didn’t realize it was there. It looked so beautiful. This has been so heartbreaking but I’m trying to stay hopeful.
Awe inspiring, really
Yes. There is no way out of this without empathy & willingness to live together somehow.
What do they suggest how Israel should end the firing of rockets by Hamas?
How many THOUSANDS OF MURDERED CHILDREN do *you* think it will take? (it's 3,000 murdered children so far, btw. Three. Thousand.)
Why don't you ask Hamas? They fire the rockets, they have the hostages.
Secondly, the number you're quoting is from Hamas.
"The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them." - George Orwell
It's funny that you're quoting this and at the time take your numbers from a terrorist organization without reflection.
Pathetic deflection. How the fuck am I supposed to "ask Hamas"? I'm asking YOU, you moral coward. You support the assault, so HOW MANY MURDERED CHILDREN IS ENOUGH?
I'm trying to bring to your attention that it is _Hamas_ that is hiding among civilians, which is the reason that also civilians (including children) die in this conflict. So rather than asking me, you should ask the perpetrators, namely, Hamas.
That's impossible, as you know. So, since it *is* possible to talk to you - a self-identified supporter of a "murder children to stop Hamas" strategy - & since it's safe to assume Hamas aren't surrendering any time soon - HOW MANY MURDERED CHILDREN do you think will lead to this policy succeeding?