Mrs. Detective Pikajew, Esq.

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Mrs. Detective Pikajew, Esq.

Lesbian consultant. Cats (2019) fancier. Banned in Britain. A good argument, just miles outside the scope. Cis, she/her. Looking for 14.8k of my besties.
I don’t light candles on Shabbat to keep a deity happy I light candles on Shabbat so my great grandmother doesn’t haunt me
Most folks don't even know many Jews are atheists and we center our religious beliefs around cultural traditions and keeping the practices of our ancestors alive in the face of oppressors and those who would erase our existence If you want to get rid of all religion you're on team "erase the Jews"
Ari I know you know how both quote-tweets and memes work
I detect some cognitive dissonance... FWIW, I think there's a difference between (a) being glad the rule of law held the powerful to account while acknowledging that the exercise of state power is a somber occasion and a necessary evil, and (b) celebrating as part of tribal partisan bloodsport.
Ohhhhh my god u aren't celebrating the verdict because you're anticarceral? should we tell everyone? Should we throw a party? should we invite ruth wilson gilmore.
If I had any personal involvement in guiding the entire course of 21st century US history, I would simply shut the fuck up.
personally if i were a contributor to such things as the iraq war and john roberts i would remove myself from public life
lmao what a loser
it is 2004. ralph nader is whining about being called a spoiler. it is 2014. ralph nader is whining about being called a spoiler. it is 2024. ralph nader is whining about being called a spoiler.
Avatar best desserts around are at Parkside and Flatbush right now fyi, I’ve been tweeting about them
Avatar It’s Skimbleshanks. The railway cat. The cat derailing the railway train.
Do you all know about RAILWAY CATS??? there is this cat cafe in (of course) Japan with a model train set that the cats just derail constantly and they just let them. Amazing
Meanwhile on Horse Hinge...
You (just fell out of a coconut tree): The Cut is really reaching new heights these days! Me (knows I exist in the context of all that came before me): You are like a little baby. Look at this.
What It’s Like to Date a Exploring the secretive world of zoophilia.
The concept of a manager giving a flying eff about his employees well-being
It’s hard to say what’s more foreign about Empire Records today: the concept of a record store or the concept of selling out.
OH, I’M LIVID ALL RIGHT how dare they slander my wife US Poet Laureate Tabitha Fortis in her full length leather trenchcoat and chaotic blonde curls who just wants to tell the president about the horrors of land mines and likes the way Toby writes
she wears short skirts i wear t-shirts she’s cheer captain and i transferred from los angeles your school has no gymnastics team this is a last resort
I have neither seen nor read Dune but piecing the plot together from tweets is very fun.
Submitting yesterday’s NYTXW as an amicus brief
brandy’s cinderella is an incredibly romantic film, but it doesn’t go on the list of movies that make me believe in heterosexuality because not a single character is straight
november 8, 2016 was my sliding doors moment so no i actually don’t think i’ll ever really get over it
i see you pandering to potheads and swifties @ slice app