Slob Dylan

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Slob Dylan

God's favorite little idiot
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Welcome to the future of The News. This is Newslop. This is InfoTrough. I'm Brett Oinker and this is the NewsSty. Today on The Slop we've got oodles and oodles of headlines. Forcefed right into your cerebral cortex. I'm Jimmy Sloppo and this is the Slop Bucket. Breaking news: I'm dead as a Horse
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I love waking up late on a warm Sunday morning & spending time with my normal Hu-Man brood of many children 🥰 I love my sons; Astartes Martyr, and 🤖🌐🏍🌌 And my daughters; XxSylvanasWindrunnerxX, and The Rot
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People do not wnat to hear this truth because it isnt "woke to say but i'm going to say it anyway. If you try hard enough you can shoot lasers out of your hands like Goku
My coworker just informed me that she's pulling her kids out of Catholic school because it's too woke now Ladies and gentlemen...Catholicism has fallen
My coworker just informed me that she's pulling her kids out of Catholic school because it's too woke now Ladies and gentlemen...Catholicism has fallen
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my myers-briggs type is ICUP
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Marvin Gaye would’ve been named Marvin Trans in todays woke society
Sitting on a handful of invite codes, anybody know some good accounts that are still trying to get over here?
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“It's like these men they-“ “Mm ice cream so good” “-don't know how to make themselves attra-“ “Yes yes yes” “Yes yes yes” “gang gang” “Mm ice cream so good” “attractive to women” “Gang gang” “Yes yes yes” “they’re building the” “Mm ice cream so good” “modern world aro-“
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emergency hotdog that heats up when you crack it like a glow stick
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it is difficult to live in the present, pointless to live in the future and impossible for me to get any respect at all
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Michaelsoft Binbows
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Call me Paul cuz I’m about to eat Atreides cookies
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[me telling my story how I survived a plane crash and lived on a deserted island for a year] it was crazy [friend who once got a text from me where I accidentally called the grinch the grink] was the grink there?
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all I wanna do is *bang* *bang* *bang* *click* *cash regis[rate limit exceeded]
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Elon musk you have lost the mandate of catturd2
he is the stupidest man on planet earth
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i grimace as i finish the last of the sweet purple drink. i don’t think i can take anymore “is that where they got the name?” trying anything to get out the maniacal laughter stops for only a moment, as my dead-eyed captor moves toward me with the next feedbag
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the nerds all deciding at once they are seasoned fighters now is one of the funniest things to me
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On Twitter a fued is called "Twitter beef" on here it's called
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me getting up to go on slug patrol
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Splish splash she was Fuckin my Ass
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your honor, again, i said it smells like up dog in here
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reskeet if ur a cutie, a sweetie, or if you were at the united states capitol building on january 6th 2021
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when you're being nice to me this is who yr being nice to
I'm convinced that none of these people making posts "in the style of Wes Anderson" have ever actually seen a Wes Anderson film
My girlfriend and I saw your works from across the bar, can we look up on them and despair?