
it's officially election season.
Twitter is an insane echo chamber on Biden right now and I don't think they realize it
Like twitter has been incredibly wrong and a tightly sealed echo chamber every time, now it just has taken on a manic panicked anxious energy that is completely unbearable
Oh MUCH MUCH worse. I did not expect Bsky ending up the more reasoned and calm place, but I locked my twitter account locked out and deleted the app last week, have been back twice and logged out after literally 1 minute.
It's like watching a collective anxiety attack that never ends mixed with Lord of the Flies in there.
I know it's generally been worse but I would've have expected that left-of-center neurosis in particular to be worse here if only by sheer concentration levels.
you have fewer deliberate wreckers here. lots of lefties but not nearly as many of them trying to pretend they are regular party progressives
the site has the aroma of pissed pants 24/7
All I want now is more sports posting over here.
I’ll second this. Anytime I peek over at Twitter it is like one big collective act of hyperventilating into a paper bag.
Yeah there's a marked difference just in the general energy (to say nothing of the content of the analysis) of the few people I know irl who stayed there versus went here or Threads or just dialed by social media more generally
Not sure how granular prediction market bets are but usually when twitter moves this far from real life you can make easy money
Yes I will happily take your 50 dollars if you believe Pete Buttigieg will be the 2024 D presidential nominee